From the posts here, whenever a topic such as this thread's is posted, you've hit the nail on the head and then some ! What a bunch of juvenile, pouting, unattractive guys whinge on them. What woman, in her right mind, wants someone like them ?
Women want to be treated well, but they also need a man who can talk with them, pursue them ( as a gentelman ! ), and protect them.
This country has completely lost the culture, that engenders good marriages. Even most supposed young Conservaties don't sound like Conservatives; not on FR, anyway. Forget their inability to find Miss " RIGHT "; they wouldn't know what to do with her, if she were right in freont of them !
Thank you....I really am writing a book on this subject. This is a terrible problem....what has happened over history is the men have stopped "coming through". Their loss of integrity, broken promises, etc, have caused women to find their life on their own. Men have been raised to "compete" and when they see someone who makes more money or is more successful in business,etc, and when he is with a woman like this, his competition game begins. Unfortunately, the woman's head is spinning. She doesn't know why the man suddenly feels the urge to put her down and control her in an unhealthy way just so he feels okay about himself. Her motivation for this is survival and security....Since he doesn't protect her anymore, she has to protect herself. His unhealthy insecurity causes her to not trust him more and her inability to mistrust the man, causes him to not want to be close to the woman. Do you see the vicious cycle?