To: xzins
So you're telling me that the price of taxes is NOT built into the price of a product? Prices are not dependent on costs. You statements indicate to me that you believe in some sort of Marxist intrinsic value theory. In my experience, without exception, EVERY SINGLE supporter of the sales tax believes in MARXIST intrinsic value theories. EVERY SINGLE ONE! It makes me wonder what the connection between sales taxers and Marxists is.
Link to discussion of Marxism and intrinsic value theories in comparison to market-exchange theories.
if what you're preachin' about economics is what's being taught in school....then no wonder the economy is for sheisse!
I'm a supply sider. Supply side economics is not taught in any school in America. I was taught monetarism, but Jude Wanniski converted me to a supply sider. Your statement that supply side economics is taught in the US convinces me that you are ignorant.
To: SolidSupplySide; Mad Dawgg
I don't believe in any kind of marxist anything.
I believe that your expense determines how much you need to get to break even. I believe that taxes are part of your expense.
If I sell BMW's and I spend 20,000 to get a Z4 on my lot and I have overhead of 200 per unit and wages of 500 per unit and taxes of 300 per unit, then my cost for that Z4 is 21,000. I can't go on for too long if I keep selling them for 19,000. I'll eventually go broke.
Mad Dawgg says his customers pay his taxes....exactly what I said!! You can't even sell the unit for 20,700 for too long either. You lose 300 on each unit....the amount of your taxes.
I don't care if you can get 99,000 for one Z4....that's your business. You make a great profit and in my world profit is good.
You're not reading what I write, so just give it up. It's been fun, though.
15 posted on
01/14/2003 4:42:28 PM PST by
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