Government regularly spends tax dollars on all sorts of things that I (and many others) don't approve of - providing abortion services, as an example. But it is the right of our government to do so. If the government, representing the American populace, reflects its wishes to provide abortion services, I can only try to organize and protest such expenditures. Same with Boy Scouts. If the goverment, reflecting the wishes of the populace, deems it beneficiary to provide (very limited) help to the Boy Scouts, so be it. You have the right to try to protest. But the goverment has done nothing wrong or unconstitutional. And the fact is, most Americans see the value of the Boy Scouts, and don't begrudge the government's helping out the scouts from time to time.
Really? You think our government has the right to seize our property (i.e. our earnings) and spend it on whatever the majority sees fit? This nation is not supposed to be based on "majority rule".