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Tri-State Chapter ^
| 12-28-2002
| Cacique
Posted on 12/28/2002 9:45:35 AM PST by Cacique
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To: stanz
Who invited Kristinn and Exit148?
To: AppyPappy
I don't know. I guess anyone hearing about the party was welcome as long as they responded in advance. I don't think Kristinn or any of the DC Freepers needed an invitation. I was happy they made it!
posted on
12/29/2002 6:23:17 AM PST
It looks like I'm wearing glasses, but I wasn't.Odd. In the group shot, it looks like I'm NOT wearing glasses and I'm pretty sure I left them on. LOL
To: alisasny
Great job, great party. I thought the best part was when kristinn led us all in the beloved "Cops" cheer!
Question: How many FReepers does it take to figure out how to open the front door to Morans? :-)
posted on
12/29/2002 7:19:26 AM PST
To: Happygal
Hmmmm.... Will take you up on that next time i'm across the pond!
To: NYC GOP Chick
Count me and HHC in when you do!
To: Angelwood
Always! Missed you being here though!
I gotta tell you that yesterday was the 1st time i have ever been to Ground Zero. I got so incredibly angry! Those b*stards have no right to do this to us!!!
Hope to see u on the 11th. Yapped w/Kristinn about upcoming planning mtg. re: 18th.
To: Happygal; Oschisms
Brag, brag, brag......
To: LisaFab
It depends if your left-handed or right-handed. The left of the front pair of doors opened easily! I was a good day and much thanks to Alisasny and all those responsible for the arrangements.
Moran's is really easy to get to. I took NJ Transit from Summit to Penn Station (NY) and the subway to within one block of the restaurant.
I look forward to another get together and suggest that each person who attended to bring along one or two others.
Thanks again to all!
To: NYC GOP Chick
Jealous Bump from Florida. I really regret that I could not attend. I'll be at the next one, that is a promise!
posted on
12/29/2002 8:09:10 AM PST
To: LisaFab
How many FReepers does it take to figure out how to open the front door to Morans? :-) I am not telling!!!!! For about a minute I was in sheer panic! I wont give up the names of the people who couldnt open the door ever!! They know who they are!
To: AppyPappy
Everyone was invited! If you go to my homepage you will find a link to all the threads back from September to present! It all started as a little get together when I found out madivan was coming to town back in Sept. I let him pick the date and time and we took it from there.
Tried to let as many as possible know about the party! Did a few breaking news threads as well.
Do you want me to add you to the ping list for future events?
To: Cacique; NYC GOP Chick
Thanks for the pictures!
To: Mudboy Slim
What's Ivan doin' west of the pond?! Holding his position untill more reinforcements can be sent in from England, to shore up their foothold in New York. (Orders from King George III)
To: Mercuria; Darth Sidious
To: alisasny; Cacique; NYC GOP Chick; MadIvan; All
Wonderful to see you all yesterday. Alisasny, thanks again for the super job of organizing this. Cacique and GOPChick, great pictures!
To: alisasny
LOL! Thanks again and kudos to you and all who attended. It was a great day.
posted on
12/29/2002 10:11:04 AM PST
To: sauropod
I was thinking about your reaction to seeing Ground Zero for the first time. I first drove by the area via the West Side Highway sometime in August of this year. I thought the same as you those b**tards!
We had stayed at the Millenium Hilton ( the big black and glass building that is still closed) after the St Pats Parade and freep of hillary in March 2000! We spent 3 nights there overlooking the towers ( i cant recall the actual floor we were on but it was at least 40 stories with the towers right in front of us) and enjoying the downtown area like never before. We also took our kids up to the observation deck and they do the electric wand on everyone going up. I was stopped because my metal NO HILLARY pin set off the machine. ( the pin that is hillary's face with the slash through it, like no smoking sign) It was hysterical and even the guards were laughing.
As I told you yesterday, the tv does not do the area justice. The amount of area destroyed is more than a camera can pick up. I also spoke to a few of you yesterday about the miracle that under 3000 died. That morning while this was all unfolding for the world to see I dont see how anyone could have survived. It could have been much worse, could have been 20,000. And as some journalist noted, " ......that the USA did not make half the world into a parking lot after this is a testiment to our strength."
Thankyou for coming yesterday. The DC chapter once again comes through. Was great to see some old friends and make some new! You are a great MC! Thanks : )
To: lowbridge; KLT; n.y.muggs; MadIvan; Doctor Raoul
"...until more reinforcements can be sent in from England, to shore up their foothold in New York" Good fer him...NooYawk always needs more RightWingers...MUD
To: alisasny; KLT; hellinahandcart; countrydummy; kristinn; Angelwood; NYC GOP Chick; RaceBannon
Yes. I lost a friend in the Pentagon that day. LTC Jerry Dickerson. I still miss him and i know that life goes on, but just seeing that scene enrages me.
For anyone who has not gone, you need to make a point of going to Ground Zero.
I also was offended a lot by the tourists. They treated GZ as if it were a trip to the zoo! Obnoxious.
Thx for putting on such a great shindig! 'Pod
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