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The Democrat Plan to regain control of the US Senate in January.
| 12-17-2002
Posted on 12/17/2002 11:56:04 AM PST by vannrox
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To: Station 51
That is hardly blaming the messenger. Grotesquely distorting the context, and pushing that distortion is a grotesque crime upon the public discourse.
Oh, And BTW if you really believe that Lott was actively endorsing Segragation at Stroms Birthday party, You should be posting at DU.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:25:20 PM PST
Comment #22 Removed by Moderator
To: StriperSniper
And his tactic of salting the earth isn't exactly endearing, either. If he would show half the nerve against the Rats as he does his own party, the right would have closed ranks long ago and protected him.
To: vannrox
I am constantly amazed when FReepers are incredulous that the Dems would stoop so low. They are at WAR with us. They will stop at nothing. They have no scruples. They will lie, they will cheat, they will commit voter fraud, they will drag people through the mud, short they will do whatever it takes to remove your freedom.
The Republican's biggest mistake is playing by the rules. This reminds me of when Clinton was nailing everything in sight and Gingrich and Livingston (sp?) resigned. Lott should have said "I will resign as ML as soon as Byrd leaves the Senate, Clinton apologizes for his Fullbright (sp?) comments, and Jackson explain his hymietown comments. Until then you can all kiss my Mississipi white snake". Unfortunately he is a wuss and is incapable of disproportionate retaliation which is the only thing that stops bullies.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:26:42 PM PST
To: vannrox
Why is there an assumption or belief by both the Media and Democrats that that Republicans will do what is Morally Right and Honest? Am I missing something in the "Morale High Ground Department" as I feel the only fallout from this whole eposide is to have the Democrats try to revive thier membership who have jumped ship on "morale grounds" and bring them back by making Republican's all look bad.
Lott must stay. The Country voted twice, in 2000 and now 2002, to give Republicans a chance to move the Country forward and away from the Clinton Politics of Personal Destruction. It is up to the Republican Leadership (Read LOTT included) to not cave in to precieved "Morale" errosion from a Political Party devoid of both integrity and honor. We owe them nothing that did not earn at the voting booth!
Why do the Democrats demand that we be better than they?
posted on
12/17/2002 12:27:44 PM PST
To: PenguinWry
My post #23 applies to you also.
To: Station 51
the pertinent article.
The Lott turmoil was entirely manufactured by Democratic operatives namely by unrepentant Clintonite James Carville, who first made an issue of the remarks the same night on Crossfire and then pushed the story behind the scenes wherever they could, explaining to pundits and politicians how this could be used to sock it to the GOP.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:29:07 PM PST
To: hobbes1
Trent should be ousted because he has become an embarrassment to the Republican Party and he endorsed a political platform that was antiquated in 1948 in the year 2002. From my viewpoint the best thing that could happen for the Democrats is for Trent to hang on and become the first major issue of the 2004 campaign.
To: vannrox
If the will of the people in the last election is thwarted it will be "lock and load" time.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:32:14 PM PST
To: MattinNJ
I am constantly amazed when FReepers are incredulous that the Dems would stoop so low
Probably the same ones who think it was a good policy to laugh at the democrats
posted on
12/17/2002 12:32:32 PM PST
To: mwl1
We are playing with political fire on this, and I am no fan of Trent Lott.The political fire is already lit. 'We' didn't light it. Trent Lott did. The question is, what is the right and the politically expedient way to put it out. Fortunately, both factors point the same direction. This very stupid man needs to gracefully accept that he is a back bencher from here on out.
To: hobbes1
What do you mean, Matalin was shown the door?
posted on
12/17/2002 12:34:36 PM PST
Comment #33 Removed by Moderator
To: Station 51
He didn;t endorse the platform. He endorsed the Man.And THAT MAN regardless of his platform prior to 1950, Served his country for over 50 years.
The real issue, for those of us on this side of the fence is that Trent is too STUPID to remain Majority Leader, and his failed Power Sharing plan, that bit him on the Ass, should be trotted out by Republicans, in CONJUNCTION with his recent remarks to change the DEBATE from Racism, to ineptitude.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:35:56 PM PST
To: Howlin
There is an article at NRO, that points to the main man behind this....incident, as The Serpent Head, detailing him quoting Lotts remarks that very night.
I am saying, that taken in Conjunction with this flap, that it is entirely possible that her announcement 3 days after the story broke, is a little coincedental.Her leaving seems more to be in line with O'Neill, and Lindsay, rather than say...Karen Hughes.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:38:26 PM PST
To: hobbes1
Hobbes, I watched the party on CSPAN. I know people who were there. They KNEW the second he said it that the crap was going to hit the fan.
It's useless to find out who started the snowball; Lott gave them the snow. And to this minute, he's given them enough for an avalanche!
posted on
12/17/2002 12:40:17 PM PST
To: vannrox
Trent Lott is a f***ing idiot for putting us in this situation. If he had any sense of duty to his party he would resign as Senate Majority Leader TODAY and shut the he** up and stop apologizing for every perceived sin under the sun.
It doesn't matter any more that his remarks were merely stupid (which they were) but innocuous. It's gotten too big to take them back. He hung himself and gave the race industry fodder for the next year if not longer.
Step aside Trent for Frist or Nickles or Tancredo. Keep quiet and maybe you'll be able to hold onto your seat in the next Mississippi senatorial election. But your days in a leadership position of the party are OVER.
As to the hypocrisy of the Other Side in this one-sided debate, that's a separate issue that the Pubbies need to start fighting, i.e., which is the party of segragation
The Democrats!
Which is the party of continued discrimination?
The Democrats!
Which is the party responsible for the woeful state of our cities and schools?
The Democrats!
posted on
12/17/2002 12:44:07 PM PST
To: Howlin
I agree to an extent, and beleive that Trent should just shut his mouth, fall on his sword, and take his seat on the floor.
However, that having been said, People on our side should not be nodding in rapid agreement with the vile bastards straining credulity by turning an affectionate appraisal of an Old man into a defacto cry for a return to segragation.
As I said above Lott can no longer lead because He is Inept, not racist.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:46:15 PM PST
To: Enterprise
I believe that various posters here at Free Republic have witten similar scenarios. Here's mine. It was a spoof then and I still think the entire notion of Dems taking control is a joke. Time to move on to more important issues.
Posted by BJungNan to ilosetoo On News/Activism 12/14/2002 7:02 PM PST #46 of 57
Saturday, December 14, 2003 Posted: 7:46 PM EST (0046 GMT)
WASHINGTON (Hooters) In a major shake up of the Senate and blow to President George Bush, Trent Lott announced a switch in party affiliation that will find him joining the Democrats in a move he says is the only way to preserve his status as Senate Majority Leader.
Citing Republican efforts to remove him as majority leader over comments he made regarding Trom Surmond, Lott said he regreted having to make the switch but felt he was forced into it.
"They forced my hand. What else could I do?" said Lott. "By joining the Democrat party, I will retain my Leadership position, as a Democrat I can no longer be accused of being a racist and I will be joining a party that will stand by me no matter what I do."
The defection by Lott would not, however, be enough to give Democrats control of the Senate. This is fueling speculation that another Senate Republican, perhaps Arlene Specter (R) Pennsylvania, will also switch to the democratic party at the same time as Lott.
Such a move would give the Democrats majority control of the Senate and make it possible, if such a deal has been reached, that Lott would remain as Senate Majority Leader, albeit as a Democrat.
While publically refusing to confirm a second Republican defection, several sources close to the Senate Democrat leadership confirmed a deal had been reached whereby Democrats will regain majority status in the Senate.
And now we return you to your regular posting...
(For those of you who may be confused, the above is a spoof)
posted on
12/17/2002 12:51:51 PM PST
To: vannrox
I think Lott will stay, even if not the Majority Leader. But we have to teach the Dems a lesson. Take back Jim Jeffords to boost our majority regardless of how he votes. He would be just a pawn anyway.
posted on
12/17/2002 12:52:47 PM PST
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