You hear about torture everywhere, but when it's an animal involved, I can just puke. The animals have no choice. They just are.........
Sorry Pokey. I didn't have to click on it. Just shows us how sick our world really is.
Attractive women are "selected" to enjoy being raped by Saddam's sons and others. The women are raped and tortured and filmed (for future enjoyment) and even fed at the end while alive to starving dog packs in kennels, also filmed for Saddam's sons future jollies.
The horrors we will uncover in Iraq will rival Nazi Germany, and dwarf a dog killing ritual in Peru by a billion times.
What, the people (victims of torture) do? Are you nuts, or just dumb? Really, this so called training is heinous. Torturing a dog to death is evil; but the really bad part is that they're training to treat people the same way. If it takes seeing cruel treatment of animals to show you that some people are really evil ("sick" has nothing to do with it), you're blind. You've missed the even worse treatment we bestow on each other.