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Planned Parenthood's Version Of ''The Twelve Days Of Christmas''
Taditional Values Coalition ^ | 12.10.02

Posted on 12/12/2002 10:44:47 PM PST by victim soul

Planned Parenthood has recently generated media controversy because of its distribution of “Choice on Earth” greeting cards this Christmas season.

Planned Parenthood leader Gloria Feldt defends this mockery of Christianity by claiming on its web site that “Choice on Earth” “…is a popular sentiment that expresses some of the highest values of our democratic society: respect for diversity, without which there can be no peace…choice represents belief in every individual’s human and civil right to make our own personal decisions about whether and when to become a parent so that we can all experience the great blessings of motherhood and fatherhood in freedom.” Mrs. Feldt describes her organization’s pro-abortion agenda as promoting the “sacredness of choice.” The Twelve Days Of Christmas—Planned Parenthood Style Planned Parenthood has given our nation the gift of “choice” in killing unborn children and considers it sacred. Christmas, however, is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, not a celebration of the right of a mother to kill her unborn child. Christmas is about life not about the brutal destruction of innocent babies in the womb. Instead of giving our nation a partridge in a pear tree, three French hens, or nine ladies dancing, what “gifts” has Planned Parenthood given us this Christmas season?

On the First Day of Christmas, Planned Parenthood gave to us: A cover-up of potential statutory rape crimes against teenage girls.

Mark Crutcher’s Life Dynamics International (LDI) organization has taped phone conversations of Planned Parenthood counselors talking to an LDI caller who claimed she had been impregnated by an adult. On numerous occasions, Planned Parenthood counselors expressed a willingness to cover up this fact—and not report the statutory rape to authorities. Traditional Values Coalition has a sampling of these phone calls on its web site:

On the Second Day of Christmas, Planned Parenthood refused to help law enforcement officials investigate the shredding death of a baby in Iowa.

Planned Parenthood of Iowa refused to help law enforcement officials who were trying to find a woman who dropped her infant off at a trash recycling center. The baby boy was sent through a shredding machine. Its mangled remains were nearly unrecognizable by homicide investigators. As part of its investigation, law enforcement officials wanted to review the list of women who had received pregnancy tests at the Planned Parenthood clinic during the past year—but Planned Parenthood refused to release the list. The case is still unsolved. For more on this:

On the Third Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood uses taxpayer dollars to pay teens to recruit other teens to use Planned Parenthood abortion and contraceptive services.

Planned Parenthood’s North Central Ohio affiliate is using state and federal tax dollars to pay teens $100 each to recruit other teenagers into using Planned Parenthood’s contraceptives and abortion services. The program is funded from the Morrow County, Ohio Job and Family Service’s “Wellness Program Committee” and money from the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program.

Under this plan, each teen recruiter gets $100 to complete outreach training and $5 for each new customer he or she refers to Planned Parenthood’s clinic in Cardington, Ohio. Our tax dollars are being used by Planned Parenthood to promote promiscuity and the killing of unborn children. Planned Parenthood receives at least $200 million a year from taxpayers.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood helps violate parental rights by opposing parental consent and notification laws.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t want parents to know about or give consent to their daughter’s plan to abort her child. PP has consistently opposed both parental notification laws and parental consent laws, claiming these violate the “right to privacy” of the teenage girls. PP has filed lawsuits against these laws in numerous states during the past several years. Unfortunately, they have prevailed in many cases. Approximately 30 states currently have parental consent or notification laws on the books—but some of these have been blocked by Planned Parenthood lawsuits.

Vanessa Cullins, the director of medical affairs for Planned Parenthood admitted on the Fox News program, “Hannity and Colmes” on August 14, 2002, that she favors giving contraceptives to 12-year-old girls without parental consent. Cullins was asked point blank by Sean Hannity: “Doctor, I’m going to ask you again. Do you support 12-year-old girls getting contraceptive pills without their parents’ consent? Yes or no?” Cullins: “Yes…I support teenagers who are sexually active…being able to receive health care services.”

On the Fifth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood clinics kill thousands of unborn babies each year.

According to statistics from STOPP International, a pro-life group fighting Planned Parenthood, this abortion group has made $815 million from aborting babies since 1977. In 2000, Planned Parenthood accounted for 15% of all U.S. abortions. Since 1977, Planned Parenthood has helped kill three million unborn babies in their clinics. Abortion accounts for 29% of Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinic income. In 2001, 30% of Planned Parenthood’s income came from U.S. taxpayer subsidies!

For additional statistics in this lucrative baby killing business, go to:

On the Sixth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood promotes homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenderism to teenagers.

Not only does Planned Parenthood support the unrestricted right of teenage girls to kill their unborn children, this pro-abortion group is now telling teens that if they think they’re the opposite sex (a transgender), or wish to engage in bisexual or homosexual conduct, that these behaviors are “normal.”

Planned Parenthood’s web site openly promotes the bizarre notion that a girl or boy who thinks he or she is the opposite sex is “normal.” Read more about this strange advice here: Ask the Experts: I don't want to be a girl. I want to be a guy! Is this normal?

On the Seventh Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood pushes so-called “Safe Sex” for teenagers.

Planned Parenthood’s web site supports the so-called “right” of teens to engage in any kind of sexual activity they wish. In fact, PP teaches them about the different kind of sex acts or contraceptives they can use in its online feature “Birth Control Choices for Teens.” This includes “Outercourse,” which is described as masturbation, erotic massage, and body rubbing. This also includes oral sex as a supposed alternative to "sexual intercourse." PP also describes various contraceptive devices and mentions abstinence as one of the options. PP, of course, also recommends homosexuality and bisexual conduct as two other sexual options on their teenwire web site.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood supports the undermining of laws banning abortion in foreign lands.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has been exposed as a subversive influence in foreign nations that have laws banning abortion on demand. The Population Research Institute (PRI) has published a lengthy expose on the efforts of the IPPF to lobby for changes in laws and to overturn cultural prohibitions in nations that ban or restrict abortion. One IPPF document tells abortion clinic operators: “Where abortion is illegal, all family planning organizations could … take up ‘test cases,’ to pressurize for more liberal interpretation of some legislation …Where abortion services are not legally restricted, all FPAs could: … Play a role in preparing the ground for the use of newer abortion techniques and … provide training in safe abortion techniques.”

To read this entire report, go to: Abortion for All: How the International Planned Parenthood Federation promotes abortion around the world.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood defends Partial-Birth Abortion.

Planned Parenthood supports all surgical techniques that result in the killing of an unborn child including partial-birth abortion. According to Dr. John Willke, partial-birth abortion involves the following procedures: “… the partial birth abortion, also called "brain suction" or "D&X" methods. - These are done after 4 or 5 months. - 80% of babies are normal. - Most babies are viable. This is like a breech delivery. The entire infant is delivered except the head. A scissors is jammed into the base of the skull. A tube is inserted into the skull, and the brain is sucked out. The now-dead infant is pulled out.”

A detailed description of this abortion procedure and others is available here:

Why Can't We Love Them Both? On Line Book by Dr. and Mrs. Willke.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood Opposes “Choose Life” License Plates.

Planned Parenthood is so committed to the killing of unborn children that it doesn’t even want Americans to have the freedom to purchase “Choose Life” license plates. For example, in 2001 Planned Parenthood challenged a South Carolina law that legalized “Choose Life” license plates. PP claimed that these plates are a violation of free speech because the state allegedly only supports a pro-life viewpoint by issuing these plates.

In Louisiana, Planned Parenthood had demanded that a federal court rule against “Choose Life” license plates and has now asked that it be allowed to receive funds generated from these plates. The Supreme Court recently lifted an injunction against these plates and on December 1, 2002 refused to hear the challenge against the plates. They are now legal in Louisiana and in six other states that have pro-life tags.

According to Kathleen Benefield, director of the American Family Association of New Orleans, “[Pro-abortion forces] are challenging the distribution of the money [from plate sales] and arguing that groups such as Planned Parenthood should be able to receive the money—and that it’s discriminatory not to allow the money to go to Planned Parenthood. Again, that’s another bogus, desperate attempt to thwart these plates and the distribution of the money to women in crisis pregnancies.”

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood fights abstinence education in public schools.

Planned Parenthood is a militant opponent of abstinence education in the public schools. PP, of course, makes millions of dollars a year selling condoms, counseling services, and abortions to teenagers and to women who come to PP clinics to abort their children.

As the abstinence movement gained strength in the early 1990s, PP started fighting back by suing school districts to keep them from implementing these programs. In the mid-90s, PP sued the Jacksonville, Florida school district over its abstinence program—even though the program reduced teen pregnancies by 35% in three years. PP also joined People for the American Way and sued the Hemet, California school district over its abstinence program. According to PP, abstinence education supposedly represented a “skewed conservative moral agenda” and should be banned.

PP’s web site has entire section devoted to tearing down abstinence education, which it labels “fear-based education.” PP claims to be offering “reality-based education.” Their version of sex education includes promoting all forms of sexual activity, including deviant sex for teens and abortion services without parental consent or knowledge.

The Abstinence Clearinghouse publishes reliable information on the importance of abstinence education in helping reduce unwanted pregnancies, saving teens from sexually transmitted diseases, and other problems associated with premarital sex: Abstinence Clearinghouse.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas Planned Parenthood gave to us a heritage of racism and Nazi-like eugenics promoted by its founder Margaret Sanger.

Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger is still held in high esteem by the current leaders of this organization, yet Sanger founded PP as a way of killing off what she considered “inferior” races. In her book, The Pivot of Civilization she argued that all charity for the poor should be stopped; that “morons, misfits, and maladjusted” should be segregrated from society; and called for the sterilization of “genetically inferior races,” whom she considered to be Blacks, Hispanics, poor Whites, and Catholics.

Sanger had created a carefully designed program to influence blacks to engage in birth control so as to reduce the black population. She predicted that “the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their rebellious members.”

American Life League has more details on Sanger’s racist views: American Life League - Eugenics

Pro-life author Dr. George Grant’s book Killer Angel sheds more light on Margaret Sanger’s racism, immorality, and association with Nazi eugenicists. It is available online: Killer Angel

Margaret Sanger expressed her hatred toward Christianity and Capitalism in her newspaper The Woman Rebel where she once wrote: “Birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free someday of the tyranny of Christianity no less than Capitalism.”

Planned Parenthood’s "Twelve Days Of Christmas" Is One Of Bloodshed and Sorrow Planned Parenthood may believe it has given our nation the so-called “sacred” gift of “choice” for women to abort their children, but in reality it has given us a horrific legacy of death, bloodshed, and sorrow for millions of women and men. It has given us death to millions of unborn children; has helped spread venereal diseases by the promotion of premarital sex and condom use; and is currently helping to normalize homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenderism among our nation’s teenagers.

This killing industry is fueled by the bodies of unborn babies and taxpayer dollars. Dr. Grant notes that Sanger’s heritage of perversion and death lives on in Planned Parenthood’s various programs: “Today, Planned Parenthood’s commitment to undermining the moral values of teens is evident in virtually all its literature. It teaches kids to masturbate. It endorses premarital fornication. It approves of homosexuality. It encourages sexual experimentation. It vilifies Christian values, prohibitions, and consciences. Bad seed [Sanger] brings forth bitter harvest. The legacy continues.”

Planned Parenthood has not given us the gift of “choice.” It has given us the Abortion Holocaust—with more than 40 million unborn babies killed since abortion was legalized in 1973. Like the Nazi regime that murdered more than 10 million Christians and Jews during its reign of terror over Europe, Planned Parenthood has also given us a legacy of abortion clinic death camps and bloodshed. This is the “sacred” gift that Planned Parenthood has given to us this Christmas season.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: antichild; antichristian; choiceonearthcard; plannedparenthood

1 posted on 12/12/2002 10:44:47 PM PST by victim soul
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To: victim soul
TVC Presents Planned Parenthood’s Twelve Days Of Christmas

Summary: Planned Parenthood has been the center of controversy recently over its distribution of “Choice on Earth” greeting cards this Christmas season. TVC takes a sardonic look at what a Planned Parenthood “Twelve Days of Christmas” might look like.

Planned Parenthood has distributed “Choice on Earth” greeting cards this Christmas season. This has outraged many Christians and conservatives who view such cards as insensitive and make a mockery of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Planned Parenthood claims on its web site that “choice” is sacred and that it is only an expression of the importance of diversity in our society—and of the right of men and women to choose when they will become parents. This, of course, is code for the unrestricted right to kill unborn babies at any point from conception until birth.

Planned Parenthood makes millions each year by pushing abortions and selling contraceptive devices. The group also gets federal tax dollars to subsidize its activities.

Read our version of Planned Parenthood’s “Twelve Days Of Christmas”

Under Day Two of this essay, you’ll find a discussion of Planned Parenthood of Iowa’s refusal to help law enforcement officials locate the mother who allowed her newborn baby boy to be run through a recycling center shredding center. Ms. magazine just awarded Jill June, the head of Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa, its “Woman of the Year” award for supposedly protecting the “privacy” of women who come to the clinic for pregnancy tests. June is the woman who refused to aid law enforcement officials in their search for the killer of this baby. The abortionists apparently care more about “privacy” than the fate of a baby whose body was mangled in a shredder.
2 posted on 12/12/2002 10:47:06 PM PST by victim soul
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To: victim soul
Planned Parenthood leader Gloria Feldt defends this mockery of Christianity by claiming on its web site that “Choice on Earth” “…is a popular sentiment that expresses some of the highest values of our democratic society: respect for diversity, without which there can be no peace…

One thing about members of the Cult of Diversity: they are universally IRRITATING and universally WRONG.

3 posted on 12/12/2002 11:40:27 PM PST by Imal
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To: victim soul
What a bunch of ghouls! Death loving, ghouls!
4 posted on 12/13/2002 2:37:37 AM PST by AmericaUnited
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To: victim soul
Excellent. Bump for truth about Planned Infanticide.
5 posted on 12/13/2002 6:06:49 AM PST by Aquinasfan
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To: toenail; Salvation; patent; Polycarp
6 posted on 12/13/2002 6:27:49 AM PST by victim soul
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