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To: Jack Black
Outlaws and Databases
By Arnold Kling


A folk song that was popular in my
childhood describes a utopia of
ineffective jails and crippled policemen.

"In the Big Rock Candy Mountain the
cops have wooden legs"

--"The Big Rock Candy
Mountain" (attributed to Harry
McClintock, popularized by Burl

The notion that we are better off with impaired police is widespread,
particularly with regard to surveillance and databases. The recent revelation
that the Defense Department has a project headed by John Poindexter to
create a surveillance database called the "Total Information Awareness
System" provoked a hostile response from William Safire and the
Washington Post editorial page, among others.

I agree with Greg Buete, who is willing to approach the concept of a
nationwide surveillance database with an open mind. I would argue that such
a database, if properly regulated, would be far less threatening to our
freedom and privacy than the likely alternatives.

If we don't want government security agencies to know too much, we could
pass laws banning anyone with an IQ over 85 from playing any role in
homeland security. The way I see it, prohibiting a surveillance database is
like enacting an IQ limit for our security systems.

Our Founding Fathers had a better idea for keeping individual government
agencies under control. They set up a system of Constitutional checks and
balances. We should embed database usage in a system of checks and
balances, rather than engage in a Big Rock Candy Mountain fantasy that we
can ban it altogether.

Security, Statistics, and Economics

We can usefully apply the terminology of statistics and economics to the
problem of security, although we will not be able to quantify the values
involved. My hope is that this will tone down the rhetoric (including my own),
and lead to a more rational discussion.

The trade-off between security and freedom is part of a general framework of
two types of errors, or risks. A Type I error is a deadly terrorist attack. We
can think of the cost of Type I errors as the number of deaths. If we multiply
the probability of a type I error times the likely cost, we have a measure of
the expected number of deaths. This is, of course, impossible to measure
precisely, but conceptually what we mean by the benefit of a better security
measure is a reduction in the expected number of deaths, presumably by
reducing the probability of a successful attack.

A Type II error is the abuse of power by government officials. Ordering IRS
audits of political opponents is one example. There are many ways in which
government officials could be tempted to engage in blackmail, intimidation,
or suppression in order to further their personal interests. Once again, we
can (conceptually) evaluate a security measure's affect on Type II errors by
multiplying the probability of errors times their magnitude.

In the absence of intelligence, the authorities will commit both Type I and
Type II errors. They will let terrorists operate unimpeded; moreover, when the
authorities flail blindly, as in the "dragnets" that were an exercise in futility
when the D.C. sniper was at large, civil liberties are most at risk. A
database, which enables the authorities to sort suspects from innocent
people, is needed in order to minimize both types of errors. Indeed, it was
the fingerprints of John Malvo in a database that enabled the sniper
investigators to finally break the case.

(However, credit card companies were better equipped than law enforcement
agencies to deal with the sniper suspects. Routine screening caused a
credit card to be canceled after one $11 charge for gasoline. The police, on
the other hand, let the snipers' car go several times after stopping it,
including once when it was clear that one of the suspects had been sleeping
in it.)

Another element of homeland security is cost. Costs include not only
security expenditures but also such items as the costs to passengers of
having to wait in line at airports.

Thus, we have three objectives for any security measure. One objective is to
reduce Type I errors. Another objective is to minimize Type II errors. A third
objective is to minimize costs.

Whenever we can introduce a security measure that improves one objective
without making either of the other objectives worse, this can be called an
efficient security measure. For example, one might argue that allowing
pilots to be armed is an efficient security measure. It could reduce Type I
errors, without appearing to impose costs or increase the probability of Type
II errors.

Similarly, a passenger-screening program that is database-driven could be
efficient. High-risk passengers would be allowed to fly, but not together and
not without a sky marshal. It is likely that such a program would reduce
Type I risk dramatically, at far less cost than our current policies of
extensive search and random screening.

The main point of introducing this economic and statistical terminology is to
emphasize that we have to choose from among imperfect solutions. Of
course, a surveillance database will not work perfectly. However, neither
does any other security measure. The criteria for evaluating a security
measure should be its costs and benefits. The calculus is bound to be
imprecise, but in a world of imperfect alternatives it is irrational to reject one
particular approach just because it is imperfect.

Weapons Under Moore's Law

You will never see effective gun control. The NRA is not to blame (or to
thank, depending on your point of view). Neither is the Constitution.
Technological trends are at work.

In the future, the only law that will govern armaments is Moore's Law.
Moore's Law says that weapons will get smaller, cheaper, and varied in
form. This phenomenon will pose a challenge not just for disarmament
advocates, but for all of us.

Ray Kurzweil, in The Age of Spiritual Machines, forecasts how the nature of
warfare will change as Moore's Law progresses.

"[in 2009] warfare is dominated by unmanned intelligent
airborne devices. Many of these flying weapons are the size of
small birds, or smaller...[in 2019] Most flying weapons are tiny
- some as small as insects - with microscopic flying weapons
being researched..."

Even today, our biggest fears are of small weapons, including biological
weapons and "suitcase nukes." On airplanes, we are afraid of tweezers. It is
no accident that terrorism is emerging as a significant threat. In our "faster,
better, cheaper" world, powerful capabilities accrue to decentralized
organizations and even small groups.

We simply have to get over the notion that we can prevent violence by
controlling weapons. We are destined to live in a world with an endless
variety of arms that are inexpensive and concealable. This trend, as
undesirable as it may be, is unavoidable.

With weapons becoming powerful and difficult to detect, the phrase "guns
don't kill, people kill" is going to become the only realistic principle for
security. In order to avert catastrophic attacks, we will have to focus our
attention on villains and potential villains.

One might argue that our focus on villains should take us overseas.
Certainly it is true today that our most dangerous enemies are in other
countries. However, once we make foreign soil inhospitable, terrorists will
find that their best sanctuary is here, inside our porous borders. Moreover,
as weapons continue to improve, the number of organized terrorists that it
takes to plan and execute a major attack will shrink, so that going after
large groups overseas will cease to be sufficient.

Once we realize how vulnerable we are (and it may take one or more
additional major attacks to bring us to that point), the public will not be able
to tolerate the thought of enemies in our midst. Fear of the unknown could
lead to vigilante attacks on illegal immigrants or massive internment of
feared ethnic groups. These are the sorts of Type II errors that are far worse
than a database that is developed under a system of checks and balances.

Get It Right

The concerns about a surveillance database include:

the possibility that hackers will gain access
the possibility that officials with access to the database will abuse
the power they gain from having the information
the possibility that it will be used to catch petty offenses

My suggestions for minimizing these risks are these:

Articulate clear rules for database use, including Constitutional
Develop a robust system for monitoring database use for compliance
with the rules.

As an example of a Constitutional protection, I would propose that no one be
allowed to search the database for information about a specific person
without a warrant. My data would have the same 4th Amendment sanctity
as my house.

On the other hand, searches based on general criteria that are not
presumed to apply to one person would be allowed. This would permit
searches for the purpose of screening airline passengers. You could run an
entire list of passengers through the database, and any high-risk
passengers would be flagged.

I would propose that use of the database be restricted to attempts to prevent
mass murder. It would not be available to track down people with unpaid
parking tickets, "deadbeat dads," or other potential targets. Perhaps
legislators will want to add crimes other than terrorism to the list of uses for
the database. This should be done very carefully, perhaps requiring more
than just a simple majority vote. As I pointed out in a previous essay, many
of our laws would have to be reconsidered if technology suddenly made
enforcement easier.

Use of the database should be heavily monitored. Any access of the
database should generate an audit trail that is examined by representatives
of the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and public watchdog groups,
such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier
Foundation. This breadth of monitoring is what I would count on to insure
against abuse of power.

The entire system should be audited and monitored by rotating and
competing teams of computer security experts. They would identify
vulnerabilities and track down anyone who attempts unauthorized access.

Brin's Metaphors

One of the most persuasive books on this topic is The Transparent Society,
by David Brin. In correspondence while I was preparing this article, Brin was
kind enough to send the following:

Essentially, my argument has always been that it is futile to
try and stymie elites from seeing.

We are all monkeys who instinctively rely on sight... have you
ever tried to poke a stick in the eye of a really BIG monkey?
He won't let you.

But a big monkey will, reluctantly, let you look at him. It's the
same with elites. We will never be able to blind them. But we
can use modern tools to strip them naked so they remain
accountable. So we can supervise their activities and make
certain we are not threatened.

To use another animal metaphor, I have no objections to
improving the vision of our guard dog... giving him more power
to see and detect threats. What we DON'T want is for the dog
to start feeling uppity and become a wolf. That means we
should be concentrating on equipping the beast with a choke
chain for us to yank hard in supervision, not on blinding the

What bugs me is that none of our civil liberties protectors...
like William Safire... seem to get this. They rail and rail
against technology, as if hollering - or any amount of
legislation - will stop the cameras from getting
smaller/cheaper/lighter/better every year, or stop the
databases from getting faster/smarter/more-pervasive. Not
once have any of them put forward a recommendation that
would actually have the effect they are calling for.

But this fad of Luddism DOES serve to distract from the thing
they should be demanding, new openness and accountability
laws. New procedures for supervision and transparency. New
professional codes. An office of Inspector General of the
United States, with real independence and teeth. Citizen
oversight panels.

This kind of aggressive Looking Back will ensure good
behavior and that we are left alone, no matter how much the
dog sees.

Responsible Citizens

As responsible citizens, it is a mistake to respond with an automatic "No" to
the attempt by a government agency trying to build a database. We should
discard the fantasy of a Big Rock Candy Mountain in which the cops have
wooden legs and limited information.

What we should be doing instead is insisting that safeguards must be in
place to ensure that a database is not abused. Before we implement a
surveillance database, we need to set up a system of checks and balances
that ensures that the people involved are accountable and its uses are
regulated and monitored. Let us design the Constitutional and legal
protections as carefully as our Founders designed the three branches of
government and the Bill of Rights. And let us ensure that at every step,
including implementation, a broad range of citizens is involved in the

Unfortunately, the Bush Administration does not understand that open,
accountable government is a prerequisite for the use of surveillance and
databases. The Administration's predilection for secrecy and contempt for
the Freedom of Information Act make it difficult for anyone to support
increased use of surveillance and databases. In my view, the Administration
will be making progress toward obtaining consent for broader surveillance
when it takes steps to encourage, rather than discourage, more systematic
scrutiny and greater openness of the agencies involved in homeland

Over the long term, however, we need to confront the issues posed by
trends in technology. The costs of surveillance are falling. The costs of data
storage and analysis are falling. Meanwhile, our security risks are rising. We
need to deal with the situation openly and directly. Our chances of
preserving freedom are better if we use databases than if we rely on
alternative measures. When databases are outlawed, only outlaws will have
10 posted on 12/10/2002 1:31:51 PM PST by 45Auto
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To: 45Auto
Thanks you. That was very kind and thoughtful of you.
11 posted on 12/10/2002 1:33:26 PM PST by Jack Black
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To: 45Auto
Interesting article what the author states is quite clearly a fact technology will improve exponentially in just about every arena. However, regardin size and effectiveness of firearms O question if we are reaching the limits imposed by the laws of physics. With integrated circuit technology the ultimate limit may be a molecular computer which has the CPU and memory wothin a single molecule. As we approach this limit then we lose the increase in processing power but the cost will keep shrinking. As we get to nano machines we may eventually get no firearm related defensive weapons. At present nothing is really feasable but some ideas may include energy projection weapons using either light subatomic particles or somet form of electromagnetic radiation.

Stay well - Stay safe - Stay armed - Yorktown

12 posted on 12/10/2002 2:02:07 PM PST by harpseal
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