I think she won't try to pin anything on him. At least directly.
She will toot her own horn, talk about how hard she has worked for her "constituents", and lead to you to believe she supports the president ONLY because she knows how hard it is being at that end of Pennsylvania Ave.
Bobbing her head all the while.
This will help to crush the spirits of our military if they get wind of it-because that is what she does. (they do) To score political points-she will attempt to dimenish the freedoms and wonderful things happening in Afganistan (the schools, the food, the reconstruction, the medical help, the agricultural help, the veterinary help), she will not talk of the RISKS the LIFE RISKS our troops face over there everyday. She will not speak of WOMEN and children now in schools and in professions.
And chris matthews is not enough of a man to challange her on this issue.
She will cast doubt on the Iraqi war.
And she will laugh a lot, smile a lot and lie like there is no tomorrow.
She has a mission-she is out to re-write history and lift the hellish legacy of destruction and filth she and her husband left behind.
So there!
Rant off!