A) Why shouldn't kids have to take drug tests? If an adult wants to work for a living, they are subjected to drug tests, why should we treat kids with (pardon the pun) kid gloves? In the workplace, ALL adults are "considered guilty" until a drug test proves otherwise. Why coddle the kids. I have worked with young teens as a coach and teacher in the past and if you think your kid's a saint, maybe YOU should be taking random tests...
B) As the father of a "soon-to-be" driver, I want as many hoops for him to jump through as possible. Driving is a privelege, for heaven's sake, make them earn it.
C) The issue is not a campaign breaker on my radar screen and if this is what the real RINOs (Darth, etal...) have as ammuntion against Elizabeth Dole then they probably wouldn't have voted for her anyway for some other personal reason.
D) I considered the one and only alternative to Elizabeth Dole and the slime that bastard is spewing is pure Bill Clinton. Those outside of the state who have not seen the Bowles advertising would not believe the crap this sleaze bag has come up with. He's pulling plays out of the Clinton playbook. Talking out of both sides of the mouth and downright lying through his teeth. The good news is Dole finally ran the ad I have been waiting to see. She's comparing Bowles' bullcrap to his former boss'. Side by side pics of Erskin and Bill. Pure and simple, a vote for Erskin Bowles is a vote for Bill Clinton and the former Darth Sidious and all those that feel they have to make a "protest vote" can kiss my @$$.
Jim Robinson is correct, you have to look at the entire picture, this is good versus evil and if you let the alternative win, Republicans AND Libertarians will lose. There is no other option, it's candidate 'A' or candidate 'B'. Republican or Bill Clinton. As a conservative Tarheel voter, you have that choice, no other.
Some public schools have started instituting random drug tests of the students. Do you support this? If so, would you support a proposal to give CPS the authority to show up unannounced at the home of anyone who homeschools, and demand that their children be handed over for drug testing, just like the public school kids? Why, or why not?