It would be a waste of time. I took a mass media class in college. I also took upper level psychology classes in college. Different colleges, much different years. Long and short of it: people tune out others who they perceive different, do not give credence to what they say, only hear what they choose to hear, and, whatever is different, it is blended into what their pre-conceived ideas already are (this is the case with EVERYBODY, including Republicans). It think the only way to change a person over to your views, is one-on-one, by example or discussions.
If you haven't read, Fighting Back by Bill Sammon, I highly suggest you do. You'll love it and it shows how effective Bush is winning people over, when they finally talk to him, see him, one-on-one. And this occurred when he was in Florida, the day of 9/11, visiting one of the schools there, a devout Rat apparently changed her opinion, completely reversed, on Bush, by witnessing, first-hand, his sincerity and concern for the children there, the staff there, the American people, not himself.