"Hey thats a good idea! WE CAN DO THAT!"
The only hope we have of stopping this for sure is an alert, trained and ARMED populace so that the next time shots are fired.....shots will be returned instantly with deadly accuracy. If that happens....say goodbye forever to all the gun control schemes. It's that possibility that has the Schumers and Kennedy's all trying to drive through as much anti-gun legislation as possible...now. The bad guys want gun control too, which is why these sniper attacks will continue so that the legislation will get rammed through and make it so much easier for the ENEMY to keep killing Americans. Dare I say it? GUN CONTROL IS TREASON.
I don't think the sleeper cells operate independently from the "mother ship" or the other cells. Geez, think of the chaos if this were true, not to mention the attention and risk of discovery. Thought I read somewhere that they wait to receive specific orders and then carry them out.
Oh boy I think I have egg on my face. When I said I thought it was a terrorist sleeper cell, I had been given to understand that the ranges they were shooting at exceeded two hundred meters, three hundred even four hundred meters. Thats what was being dessiminated on some news shows. Today I see a former DELTA sniper going over the evidence and he suggests these aren't military trained shooters given that the shortest range is FIFTY METERS and the longest is 100 meters.....sheeeeesh when my daughter was TEN she could shoot a 5.56 mm and hit you in the head. Now she's 21 and much better, lol.
The DELTA guy opines that these are the acts of military wannabes probably in their early 20's. Well organized and well planned, with extensive recon taking place...possibly even rehersals. I think I have to agree. At this time I would characterize this event as another Colombine; but covering more terrain.
I hope they take these idiots out and I maintain now more than ever that given a range of fifty meters, it is well possible that a lawfully ARMED citizen can make the difference and save the day!