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Report: Bin Laden is alive and will appear on TV soon
Jerusalem Post ^
| 10/13/02
| The Associated Press
Posted on 10/13/2002 11:33:23 AM PDT by Mossad1967
Oct. 13, 2002 Report: Bin Laden is alive and will appear on TV soon By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Osama bin Laden is alive and will appear on a videotape soon, a man who identified himself as a senior al-Qaida member told an Arabic weekly.
"Sheik Osama is alive and in good health. He has gained more weight due to security precautions and his inability to move a lot as you will notice in his next appearance," Abdel Rahman al-Rashed told the London-based Arabic-language magazine Al Majalla in remarks published Friday.
Mahmoud Khalil, a correspondent for the weekly, told The Associated Press Sunday that he conducted the interview over a week in October through the Internet. He said it took him more than a month to arrange it.
Khalil, who is based in Dubai, said al-Rashed told him he was a Kuwaiti national.
"I used to send him one question every day and wait for his answer to send the other question," Khalil said. He refused to say how he got in touch with al-Rashed.
In the interview, al-Rashed said bin Laden, whose al-Qaida terror network is blamed for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington, is alive and will appear soon on a videotape with a new statement. He didn't elaborate.
Al-Rashed was quoted as saying that bin Laden chose not to appear on a videotape on the first anniversary of the attacks, because he did not want people to "tie (his) victory to his character."
"Bin Laden is completely indifferent to all claims that he was killed. He does not choose the time of his appearances to deny such claims," al-Rashed said, according to the magazine.
Earlier this month, the Qatar-based satellite TV station al-Jazeera aired a voice tape in which a male voice attributed to bin Laden warned that the "youths of God" are planning more attacks against the United States.
Al-Jazeera said the voice was that of bin Laden, but there was no way to verify the claim.
US officials have said they don't know whether bin Laden is still alive.
Focusing on what he described as al-Qaida's media strategy, al-Rashed told Al Majalla that al-Qaida had set aside a budget for "a media department to address the Muslim people."
"Sheik Osama pays heed to the media ... we have a specialized department for print, audio and video production and a team of Internet experts," al-Rashed was quoted as saying.
In the interview, al-Rashed also denied US claims that al-Qaida has relations with the Iraqi regime, saying that the reason behind any US attack on Iraq would be to control the Iraqi oil.
US President George W. Bush has said al-Qaida had had high-level contacts with Baghdad for a decade and sent operatives to Iraq to learn to make bombs and use poison weapons. Bush said some al-Qaida leaders had fled to Iraq after their haven in Afghanistan was attacked by the United States in retaliation for Sept. 11.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs
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To: Mossad1967
I fear also, but in the long run, they'll lose and we'll win. Osama's minions are doomed to fail. Oh, they'll win a few battles, but the war? Never. The trash heaps of history wait for Osama.
I have a bad feeling that another big attack is coming soon.
posted on
10/13/2002 1:12:19 PM PDT
To: Miss Marple
There are two kinds of dialysis... hemodialysis requires that a person live where electricity is available and has room for the big blood cleaning machine. Peritoneal fluid exchange dialysis is much more portable, but it swells up a person's abdomen because they hold a solution in the peritoneum that absorbs the toxins usually cleaned out by the kidneys and it is drained and replaced a few times daily.
To: Eagle Eye 2
Fan-friggin-tastic pic. Thanks. Keep that one around here for future use.
posted on
10/13/2002 1:12:58 PM PDT
With full credit to Registered who I stole the idea (and baseline image from):
To: Mossad1967
"He has gained more weight"
in other words... the body double doesn't QUITE look like the original.. but it's gonna have to do because allah won't let us use the "atkins diet".
As far as a big attack being imminent... I am pretty sure we are looking for it, to begin right AFTER we invade Iraq...
To: YourAdHere
Will Elvis be appearing with him? Will they both be represented by the fat impersonators?
posted on
10/13/2002 1:15:10 PM PDT
To: ValerieUSA
Thanks, Valerie! I knew there were two types of dialysis, but I didn't know about the abdomenal swelling in the latter case.
That makes a characteristic to look for...IF we ever see a tape!
To: Robert_Paulson2
They are waiting for the new face put they stitched onto a tall guy to heal, or maybe it is one of bin laden's 55 brothers, several of whom look just like him?
Comment #89 Removed by Moderator
To: Imperialist
It's not a religion, technically...
It is a cult.
Pseudo religions that sponsor murder of innocents, do not qualify for constitutionally defined "religious" status... and like all death-cults, are not protected under the first amendment. Religions that violate the bill of rights are cults. Islam, does just that. It's not a religion and we need to stop NAMING it one, as that is part of THEIR rhetoric. As long as we view it as a "religion" they are winning the rhetoric war, and will beat us over the head with the first amendment. Islam... It's clearly a cult.
I think it might be a good idea to stop using "Islam" and "religion" in the same sentences... as this is where they are winning the war. The word Islam may mean "peace through forced submission" but that does NOT mean we need to view it as a religion. It is a cult that murders non members. We need to say that instead of giving them the honored status of a protected "religion." and repeat it often in our communication and writing.
I would say the same thing of a protestant or catholic sect that killed innocents... when you kill innocents, or have it as a doctrine in your "movement" you cease to be a religious endeavor, and become a revolutionary murder/death ritual cult.
To: Voltage
It took them this long to find a look alike?Well, it would take a while for someone to recover from extensive plastic surgery, would it not? That part about the weight gain is a hoot! Have you known anyone who was deathly ill from kidney disease and needing dialysis who has GAINED weight?
posted on
10/13/2002 1:30:34 PM PDT
To: Robert_Paulson2
Well said.
All them muslims are crazy. They got a disease. A mental disorder. Islam and the Koran should be regarded with the same disgust as kiddie porn and rape. We make Islam and the Koran illegal in the USA, remove most of them in a week. Hunt down the rest, remove them. Our Euopean allies should be convinced to do the same. Then we have most of them in a few Mideast countries and the rules of Warfare are back in play.
To: spike_00
UBL's not dead, he's just restin'...
posted on
10/13/2002 1:38:38 PM PDT
I fear also, but in the long run, they'll lose and we'll win. We have everything to loose. They have nothing to loose. They have all the time in the world to carry out their terror. We can destroy one ant hill but it will not stop another one from surfacing. The sooner we realize that this is not a win or loose battle the quicker we will be able to start to defend ourselves.
To: Justice
Hmmm. lookalike needed ... Why am I thinking he will look strangely like AL SHARPTON???? :-)
I cant wait for the explanation of how he got the tan.
posted on
10/13/2002 1:55:48 PM PDT
To: Mossad1967
..and Frederico Franco is still dead.
posted on
10/13/2002 1:56:34 PM PDT
TC Rider
To: Miss Marple
Actually, if he
did get a kidney, we might want to think about where he got it. China has a very prosperous industry in organ transplants.
I don't think they'd be that foolish, but I also think we have a tendency to overestimate them...
To: OReilly
Will they both be represented by the fat impersonators? Come to think of it, and given the exquisite taste of our entertainment industry, where are the Osama nightclub acts?
posted on
10/13/2002 2:25:48 PM PDT
To: Ditter
They forgot to mention that Osama is now only 5'4" instead of his previous 6'4". Getting shorter like that will make you look heavier every time.M This because a 1,000 lb GBU blew his head off after he poked it out of his cave in Tora Bora. His much aniticipated appearance had to be delayed due to a search for a full body donor.
To: Miss Marple
While you are right about the treatment side affects, I don't think for a moment that Binny is alive. However, it makes all the sense in the world that our enemies want to keep shaking his dead bones in our faces.
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