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To: The Wizard
"News Flash to the democrats: get this idiot off the floor or you will loose all power and credibility....."
Why is it that you would not want an idiot acting like a democrat on the floor of the Senate?. Since it would take an idiot or a traitor to remain a democrat for many many years now. Why would you not be at least a little happy to see a democrat was being true to form?.
47 posted on
10/10/2002 4:25:47 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
DemocRAT Senator Byrd was just jealous that Strom Thurmond is getting more Press than he himself lately, so he thought "I'd better say something". The Dumb_ss!
49 posted on
10/10/2002 4:26:57 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
Tom Lantos prefers suicide to decapitation. He will also drive over your foot if you get in his way.
51 posted on
10/10/2002 4:27:13 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
Well, Bobby (Grand Pooba of the Nazi KKK) it seems to me that the Commander and Chief was also given to every President since George Washington. It was given to that office by the Consitution of these here United States. You really should read it Mr. Byrd, it's a wonderful document, and the Law of our Republic (Yes, I said the Law, absolute and unforgiving, the absolute law). Seems you haven't been reading in such a long time. Is that because of your laziness or because of your senile dementia?
Poor Grand Wizard Bobby, when power drifts away he'll trash his oath to protect and defend the Constitution at the first breath.
"You have a Republic, if you can keep it" (paraphrased) said Ben Franklin. The people run this place Mr. Byrd. You have lost your mind to the lust of power over your own Constitution. You are a demented old socialist that hates everything that WE, THE PEOPLE stand for. You want the power in YOUR hands and not in the hands of the PEOPLE. If the Founding Fathers were around today they would drag you from the Senate, flog you, and hang you from the nearest tree.
You are the stain on my Republic. I wish you defeat in your next election!
64 posted on
10/10/2002 4:47:17 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
I want to see the New York Post headline: "DoDo Byrd" with a huge picture of him waving his mini-copy of the Constitution.
To: The Wizard
This must be a proud moment for Democrats and those who trash Bush.
To: The Wizard
Guano: Byrd or bat excrement.
75 posted on
10/10/2002 5:02:57 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
Unbelieveable ! He must be relivieing his KKK days. Can't wait for him to show up to the Senate floor with his white sheet and cap. He should RESIGN NOW !
To: The Wizard
I hate to be nitpicky, but you really need to learn to spell. His name is Robert Tyrd.
To: The Wizard
Byrd: The Grand Gragon of the KKK.
To: The Wizard; dixie sass; Memother; chesty_puller; mhking; Japedo; madfly; Snow Bunny; FallGuy; ...
Unfreeping beleivable BuMp
To: The Wizard
He is a raving lunatic who should have been escorted off the floor in chains! Proves how peace loving this hate monger is! Speaking of WRONG! What he said is despicable beyond belief!
To: The Wizard
WV....must be sooooo proud.
To: The Wizard
He's also a former member of the KKK. White sheet and all. Keep the idiot on, let the democrats see the fruit of their vote. And I do mean fruit.
News Flash to the democrats: get this idiot off the floor or you will loose all power and credibility.....
97 posted on
10/10/2002 6:34:56 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
99 posted on
10/10/2002 6:38:13 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
News Flash to the democrats: get this idiot off the floor or you will loose all power and credibility.....
And the power to spel
105 posted on
10/10/2002 6:49:39 PM PDT by
To: The Wizard
I don't understand Byrd's animosity at all.He made a great point of commanding other Democrats to support Bush after 9/11 and invoked all sorts of Biblical references and now acts like he can't for the life of him say a decent thing about Bush or the Presidency in wartime.It's a very bizarre episode in his career, and maybe , hopefully, its the endgame at last.
To: The Wizard
Look at Byrd's webpage, mercy!
His daughter is Mrs. Mohammad Motani! I'm not kidding! Byrd may have ties to radical Islam for all we know!
116 posted on
10/11/2002 3:05:53 AM PDT by
To: The Wizard
Wasn't Byrd a Kleagle in the KKK?
He shakes worse than Reno... and belittles the president.
He fumbles for his book that he calls The Constitution.
For all we know, it could be the phone numbers of every whore he met.
This pest should be taken off life-support and choke on his own vomit.
117 posted on
10/11/2002 3:13:38 AM PDT by
To: The Wizard
I missed that part of Byrd's latest non-stop rant but earlier I heard him go on for about 5 minutes with the most outraged look and voice about how the President's Iraq recommendation (which Byrd was conveniently waving before the cameras)had a MISPELLING in it.....there was a SMALL C in "constitution."
Jeez,'ve really got to improve your typing.
Meanwhile did everyone see Joe Biden going throught the roof at not being able to to get the last word on the issue without having to fight Byrd?
"Preposterous", said Joey.
119 posted on
10/11/2002 3:23:25 AM PDT by
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