1. Try not to make any poll watcher work alone. There are often things happening in several places. If one person tries to cover them all, dishonest officials can cheat in one place when the poll watcher is watching something else. Generally, we send poll watchers to precincts that are controlled by the other party. The poll watcher who works alone will feel very discouraged at watching the other side all day long by himself or herself.
2. If the campaign is allowed to send someone into the precinct to check on the poll watcher during the day, send someone. The campaign on which I worked said that they would send someone to see how things were going. When they never showed, I felt even more discouraged.
3. Try to send a group of people to work the outside of the precinct for the candidate. I put up seven or eight signs around the polling place when I arrived early that morning. By two or three in the afternoon, the Democrats had removed all of them. It was discouraging not only to be alone but also to see my small attempt to get votes at this precinct destroyed. I realize these people will have a rough day as well. They will likely see a long stream of people who don't like them. However, seeing them outside would have encouraged me. Another point is that when the Democrat precinct you are working is primarily a minority precinct, you might pull some votes. I've heard from several blacks that one reason Republicans do so poorly among blacks is that many Republicans don't even try to campaign to blacks.