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To: hellinahandcart
Here is the latest from the newspaper that broke the story - with Babelfish translation -

Wirbel um Herta Däubler-Gmelin

Heftige Kritik nach Bush-Äußerungen/Ministerin dementiert/Ohrenzeugen bestätigen TAGBLATT-Bericht

TÜBINGEN. Der TAGBLATT-Bericht am Donnerstag über Herta Däubler-Gmelins Äußerungen über den US-Präsidenten George Bush hat in Tübingen und Berlin große Wellen geschlagen. Die Oppositionsparteien forderten den Rücktritt der Bundesjustizministerin, sie selber dementierte am Donnerstag ihre Aussagen vom Mittwoch. Das TAGBLATT bleibt bei seiner Darstellung, die auch von anderen Ohrenzeugen nicht bestritten wird.

Wie am Donnerstag berichtet, hatte die Tübinger SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete bei einem Gespräch mit etwa 30 Metall-Gewerkschafter(inne)n in der Derendinger Sportgaststätte gesagt, Bush wolle mit einem Krieg gegen den Irak “von innenpolitischen Problemen ablenken”. Dies sei eine beliebte Methode. “Das hat auch Hitler schon gemacht.” Anschließend stellte sie klar: “Ich habe nicht die Personen Bush und Hitler miteinander verglichen, sondern die Methoden.”

Die “Financial Times Deutschland”, die überregionale Zeitung mit dem spätesten Redaktionsschluss, zitierte bereits am Donnerstag ausführlich aus unserem Bericht. Im Laufe des Vormittags griffen auch andere Medien (unter anderem “Spiegel-Online”) das Thema auf. Daraufhin forderten mehrere CDU- und FDP-Funktionäre den Rücktritt der Bundesjustizministerin.

In einer ersten Presseerklärung bezeichnete das Justizministerium den TAGBLATT-Bericht als “verzerrend”. Am Nachmittag bestritt Däubler-Gmelin auf dem Stuttgarter Flughafen ihre Aussagen. Laut dpa sagte sie: “Mir täte es leid, wenn diese Angelegenheit auch nur einen Schatten auf die Achtung werfen würde, die ich vor dem amerikanischen Präsidenten habe.”

Dagegen bezeichnete US-Regierungssprecher Ari Fleischer bei einer Pressekonferenz im Weißen Haus Däubler-Gmelins Zitate vom Mittwoch als “out rageous” (empörend).

In den Abendnachrichten des ZDF bestätigte Bernd Melchert, der Vorsitzende des Walter-Betriebsrats und Diskussionsleiter der Derendinger Veranstaltung, dass die Ministerin einen Zusammenhang zwischen den “Methoden” Bushs und Hitlers hergestellt habe.

Allerdings habe sie auch betont, damit wolle sie nicht die beiden Männer vergleichen (so wurde sie am Donnerstag auch im TAGBLATT zitiert). Auch Peter Schütze, der Vorsitzende des Flender-Betriebsrats, bestätigte am Donnerstag per Telefon “den Tenor” unseres Berichts.

Mitstreiter und politische Gegner der Ministerin, die wir am Donnerstag befragten, zeigten sich überrascht über die in unserer Zeitung zitierten Äußerungen. “Es rutscht einem manchmal etwas heraus. Das soll man nicht überbewerten”, fand Winfried Kretschmann, der am Donnerstag Gast in unserer Redaktion war.

Doch der Chef der baden-württembergischen Landtagsfraktion der Grünen betonte auch seinen Grundsatz: “Jeder Vergleich eines demokratischen Politikers mit Hitler ist degoutant. Es sollte sich für jeden Demokraten schlichtweg verbieten, einen demokratisch gewählten Politiker in die Nähe zu rücken.”

“So wie’s im Blatt berichtet wurde, ist’s offensichtlich nicht gewesen”, ist Gerd Weimer, früherer SPD-Landtagsabgeordneter und Erster Bürgermeister von Tübingen, überzeugt. Herta Däubler-Gmelin habe ihm gesagt, dass es sich um eine “verzerrende Darstellung” dessen handle, was sie erklärt habe. Von daher erübrige sich eine inhaltliche Stellungnahme.

Däubler-Gmelins Wahlkreis-Konkurrentin Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU) war am Donnerstag nicht zu erreichen. “Sie äußert sich dazu nicht, weil die Äußerung für sich spricht”, hieß es in ihrem Büro. Peter Wilhelm, Bundestagskandidat der FDP, urteilte zurückhaltend. “Ich möchte nicht polemisch werden. Ich glaube, Frau Däubler-Gmelin hat es so gemeint, wie es da steht: dass es keine neue Methode ist, mit einer äußeren Bedrohung von innenpolitischen Problemen abzulenken.”

Allerdings sei es fraglich, ob der Name Hitler hätte fallen müssen. Es handle sich durchaus um “ein starkes Stück”, eine “unglückliche Äußerung”, die möglicherweise einen “traurigen Höhepunkt” eines Anti-Amerikanismus darstelle, der sich wie ein roter Faden seit zwei Wochen durch die Politik ziehe.

Heike Hänsel, die für die PDS kandidiert, hält einen Vergleich der Methoden auch historisch für falsch. “Hitler hat nicht von innenpolitischen Problemen abgelenkt, sondern einen Wirtschaftsaufschwung durch Kriegsvorbereitungen inszeniert.” Sie lehne solche Vergleiche “auch in Ansätzen grundsätzlich ab”.

Nachdem der Kanzler von einem “deutschen Weg” gesprochen hat, sei die Friedensbewegung jetzt in der Situation, der Regierung sagen zu müssen, dass sie “einen anti-amerikanischen Zungenschlag hat”. Man brauche keinen deutschen, sondern einen zivilen Weg der Konfliktlösung, fordert Hänsel. Es gehe darum, die Uno international gegenüber dem Unilateralismus der USA zu stärken. Das sei jedoch “durch die beiden letzten Kriege, bei denen Frau Däubler-Gmelin kein Problem hatte mit dem US-Präsidenten und dem US-Rechtssystem”, verhindert worden.

Eddy around Herta Daeubler Gmelin

Violent criticism after Bush Aeusserungen/Ministerin disclaim/ear-witness confirm day sheet report

TÜBINGEN. The day sheet report on Thursday over Herta Daeubler Gmelins expressions over the US president George Bush struck large waves in Tübingen and Berlin. The opposition parties demanded the resignation of the Federal Secretary of Justice, it disclaimed on Thursday its statements of Wednesday. The DAY SHEET remains during its representation, which is not denied also by other ear witnesses.

How reports on Thursday, the Tuebinger had said SPD Members of the Bundestag with a discussion with approximately 30 metal Gewerkschafter(inne)n in the Derendinger sport restaurant, Bush wanted with a war against the Iraq von problems relating to domestic affairs ablenken. This is a popular method. Das also Hitler has gemacht. following already got straight it: Ich not Bush and Hitler compared the persons with one another, but the Methoden.

Financial the Times Deutschland, the supraregional newspaper with the latest editorship conclusion, quoted already on Thursday in detail from our report. In the course of the in the morning also different media (among other things Spiegel Online) took up the topic. Thereupon several CDU and FDP functionaries demanded the resignation of the Federal Secretary of Justice.

In a first press statement the Ministry of Justice called the day sheet report verzerrend. In the afternoon Daeubler Gmelin denied on Stuttgart airport its statements. According to dpa she said: Mir it would do to wrong, even if this affair would throw only one shade on the attention, which I for the American president habe.

On the other hand designated US government spokesmen Ari butcher with a press conference in the white house Daeubler Gmelins of quotations of Wednesday as out rageous (infuriating).

In the evening messages Second Channel of German Television confirmed Bernd Melchert, the chairman of the walter work council and moderator of the Derendinger meeting that the minister had manufactured a connection between Methoden the Bushs and Hitler.

However it also stressed, thus does not want it not the two men to compare (in such a way it was quoted on Thursday also in the DAY SHEET). Also Peter Schuetze, the chairman of the Flender work council, confirmed Tenor of our report on Thursday by telephone den.

Fellow combatants and political opponents of the minister, whom we asked on Thursday, showed up surprised over the expressions quoted in our newspaper. Es slips out sometimes somewhat. That is one not ueberbewerten, found Winfried Kretschmann, which was on Thursday guest in our editorship.

But the boss of the federal state parliament parliamentary group of Baden-Wuerttemberg the Greens stressed also his principle: Jeder comparison one democratic politician with Hitler is degoutant. It should forbid itself for each democrat directly, a democratically selected politician into the proximity too ruecken.

So wies in the sheet, ists gewesen, is obviously not convinced Gerd Weimer, former SPD state parliament delegate was reported and first mayors of Tübingen. Herta Daeubler Gmelin said to him that it concerns a verzerrende Darstellung its, which explained her. From therefore it be unnecessary a contentwise statement.

Daeubler Gmelins constituency Konkurrentin Annette Widmann Mauz (CDU) was not to be achieved on Thursday. Sie does not express itself because the expression for itself was called spricht, it in its office. Peter Wilhelm, Bundestagskandidat of the FDP, judged reservedly. Ich would not like polarize-mix to become. I believe, Mrs. Daeubler Daeubler-Gmelin it in such a way meant, how it stands there: that it is not a new method, with an outside threat of problems relating to domestic affairs abzulenken.

However it is questionable whether the name Hitler would have had to fall. Acts quite over ein strong Stueck, a unglueckliche Aeusserung, which possibly represents a traurigen Hoehepunkt of an anti-Americaism, which like a red thread pulls itself for two weeks by the policy.

Heike Haensel, which stands as a candidate for the Party of Democratic Socialism, considers a comparison of the methods also historical wrong. more Hitler from problems relating to domestic affairs did not divert, but an economic recovery by war preparations inszeniert. you leans such comparisons auch in beginnings in principle ab.

After the chancellor spoke of a deutschen Weg, the peace movement is now in the situation to have to say to the government that they einen anti-American tongue impact hat. One does not need German, but, Haensel demands a civilian way of conflict resolution. It concerns to strengthen the UN internationally opposite the university lateralism of the USA. That is not however durch the two last wars, with those Mrs. Daeubler Daeubler-Gmelin a problem with the US president and the US Rechtssystem, had been prevented.

18 posted on 09/20/2002 3:13:54 PM PDT by HAL9000
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To: HAL9000
Aw man, too much German in die Englische...
19 posted on 09/20/2002 3:21:55 PM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: HAL9000
I was pretty close on the other text though, Schroeder is sticking with his minister's story and sent Bush a non-apology:

(from Reuters) Schroeder wrote to Bush, saying: "I want to let you know how much I regret the fact that alleged comments by the German justice minister have given an impression that has offended you."

He said he had accepted Daeubler-Gmelin's denial and added, according to a German text provided by his office:

"Let me assure you that there is no place at my cabinet table for anyone who makes a connection between the American president and such a criminal."

20 posted on 09/20/2002 3:33:38 PM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: HAL9000
Okay, this took a while, here's my best guess, and remember I don't really speak German:

The Day Sheet’s Thursday report of Herta Daeubler-Gmelin’s expressions about US President George Bush made huge waves in Tubingen and Berlin. The oppostion parties demanded the resignation of the Federal Secy of Justice, who denied on Thursday her statements of Wednesday. The Day Sheet stands by its account, which is not contradicted by other ear-witnesses.

In Thursday’s report, the Tuebinger [guessing this means Daeubler Gmelins is from Tubingen] said that during a discussion in the Derendinger Sport Restaurant, with approximately 30 members of the Metalworkers Union [guessing again], that Bush wanted/preferred a war with Iraq to domestic problems in the US. This is a popular method. Hitler had also used it. She clarified today: she wasn’t comparing Bush and Hitler, the persons, to one another, but only the Method. [Dig that hole deeper, Herta]

The Financial Times Germany, the supraregional paper with the latest edition time, quoted in detail on Thursday from our report. In the course of the morning other media (including Spiegel Online) took up the topic. Thereupon several CDU and FDP functionaries demanded her resignation.

In the first statement to the press, the Ministry of Justice called the Day Sheet report [false? Erroneous? Something like that] In the afternoon, from the Stuttgart airport, Daeubler-Gmelins denied making the statements. According to DPA she said: {Blah blah blah} , {in error}? And this affair [misrepresentation followed by scandal] would throw only one shadow on the RESPECT [not attention] that I have for the American president.

On the other hand, designatedUS Govt spokesperson Ari Fleischer, during a press conference in the White House, termed Daeubler-Gmelins’ remarks as outrageous and infuriating.

During its evening broadcast, German Television’s Channel Two confirmed through Bernd Melchert, the chairman of the walter[Metal?]workers council [union] and moderator of the Derendinger meeting, that the Minister had indeed made a connection between the methods of Bush and Hitler.

However he [Melchert] also stressed that [in his opinion] it was not the two men themselves that were compared (as was also stated on Thursday in the Day sheet). Peter Schuetze, the chairman of the Flender [?] workers council, also confirmed the tenor of our Thursday report in a telephone conversation.

Campaign supporters and political opponents of the minister, whom we questioned on Thursday, expressed surprise over the statements quoted in our newspaper. “Sometimes something just slips out? That wasn’t what was intended?[?] That is not unusual/unbelievable/unheard of[?]” said Winfried Kretschmann, who was our Guest Editor on Thursday. [Guessing he meant it could have happened to anyone]

But the head of the Greens Party of Baden-Wuerttemberg stressed this principle--to make the comparison between a democratically-elected politician and Hitler is [wrong?]{and wasn’t Hitler elected once?]. Politicians in democratic nations should restrain themselves from [crossing the line with such comarisons?]

So wies in the sheet, ists gewesen, is obviously not convinced Gerd Weimer, former SPD state parliament delegate was reported and first mayors of Tübingen. Herta Daeubler Gmelin said to him that it concerns a verzerrende Darstellung its, which explained her. From therefore it be unnecessary a contentwise statement.

Seems to be saying that Gerd Weimer, former SPD parliamentarian (and mayor or Tubingen?) was not convinced of the accuracy of the report in the Day Sheet. Herta had said explained to him that it was an erroneous repreentation of what she had said (“out of context” perhaps), so he did not think it necessary to issue a statement of his own condemning her. Again, a guess.

Daubler-Gmelins’ constituency-(something) Anette Widmann Mauz (CDU) could not be reached for comment on Thursday. “She has nothing to say because the statement speaks for itself”, said her office. Peter Wilhelm, Bundestag candidate of the FDP, made a reserved judgment: “I would not like to be a polarizer. I believe Mrs Daeubler-Gmelin meant it only as you see it there; that it is not a new method, the threat of outside problems to [minimize?] domestic problems.”

However it is questionable whether the name Hitler would have had to fall.

However it is questionable that the name “Hitler” should have been dropped/mentioned at all.

Acts quite over ein strong Stueck, a unglueckliche Aeusserung, which possibly represents a traurigen Hoehepunkt of an anti-Americaism, which like a red thread pulls itself for two weeks by the policy.

(Your guess is as good as mine here. I give up. :D)

Heike Haensel, who stands as a candidate for the Party of Democratic Socialism, considers a comparison of the methods of Bush and Hitler to be historically wrong as well. Hitler was not trying to divert attention from domestic troubles, but to wage an economic recovery through his war preparations.

The last paragraph? Seems to be the Heike Haensal babbling about civil means of conflict resolution (instead of war), strengthening the UN to balance out the unilateralism of the US, except that the papaer also seems to be saying, and the paper seeming to take the position that the peace movement is now in the position of having to justify their anti-Americanism and that the rest of the world didn’t have a problem with the US’s unilateralism during the last two world wars. If that’s what it really says, that’s a real diss on Herta Daeubler=Gmelin.

22 posted on 09/20/2002 5:34:48 PM PDT by hellinahandcart
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