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***World's Largest USA Flag displayed today...Pictures from Syncro***
My Adventure 9-11-2002 ^
| September 11, 2002
Posted on 09/11/2002 10:19:56 PM PDT by Syncro
KSFO sponsered the unfurling of the largest United States Flag today in Alameda.
There were over a thousand patriots here and it took over a thousand to keep the flag flying for over an hour.After this grate Patriotic Event I ventured over to San Francisco and encountered the communist terrorist supporters.
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: adventure; alameda; california; flagday; hughhewitt; oldglory; sanfrancisco; syncro; usaflag
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To: Syncro
Green party? I see there a human meat envious perverted peace of meat.
To: SeenTheLight
Hi SeenTheLight. Thanks for the report! It sounds like the Union Square event was good, too. Wow, sharpshooters! I decided to take the ferry over to Alameda, and there were some police officers aboard, as well as a National Guardsman watching the Bay. There was a Coast Guard cutter patrolling, too. One the one hand, good. On the other, too bad it's come to this. Michael Savage on his show the other day said, since last 9/11, @ 125,000 visas have been given to Middle Easterners (excepting Israel.) (I believe those are the facts.) So, what the h*ll does that say?! Geez.
Too bad all the freepers didn't quite hook up, from the sound of it. I was kind of wondering about that myself---that is what's the etiquette for freepers who've never met meeting? Maybe for future reference, we all should wear convention name tags with our freeper screen names on them!
Well, could just wear something that says, "Free Republic." Or, I was thinking maybe there are some letter lapel pins that are F and R. I think there a thread dicussing the "meeting" issue sometime ago. Maybe someone will think of something. : )
To: Syncro
To: Texaggie79
Bet it was visible from a satellite, or the space station.
To: Syncro
Whoa! Nice, blouse. Do they make one for guys? The shirt that is.
To: Syncro; null and void
Super job Alameda County and bttt! Thanks everyone.
posted on
09/12/2002 5:38:32 AM PDT
To: Syncro
What a grate time! That must be an enormous flag. I livewd on Central near the Naval Station and would drive by that area regularly. To fill that area with the flag; wow! Thanks for sharing the pics.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
What a grate time! What's with this "grate" thing?
To: AppyPappy; Syncro
I couldn't figure that out, either. But, heck, who cares. This thread was magnificent!
posted on
09/12/2002 6:07:14 AM PDT
To: American Preservative
You are right...I stand corrected!
posted on
09/12/2002 6:20:14 AM PDT
To: Syncro; All; Mediaqueen
Bumping to the top!
Melanie just invited people to see the photos here.
Welcome! : )
To: AppyPappy; Slip18; Dr. Zoo
What's with this "grate" thing?It's a "phenomonological" word invented by Dr. Zoo, I believe. : )
To: Syncro
Very nice! Thanks for posting information about it. It helps keeps us bay area freepers going to see stuff like this.
To: ladyinred
"UH OH! Even measuring on the screen, this one is bigger! :)" My wife used to say that to me when she visited a porn site, but like I told her, size is not indicative of performance.
It's beautiful, but it's not flyable.
posted on
09/12/2002 7:02:24 AM PDT
To: albee
??? Regarding what?
To: doug from upland
Hey doug, meant to let you know, yesterday, 9/11, "The Fireman's Song" was played on KSFO! Heard it on Lee and Melanie's show, and, on Sean Hannity's show. Way to go, doug! : )
To: Syncro; ValerieUSA
Sorry to have missed null and void...Maybe it is that name???I don't show up in photos...
To: Syncro
To: sistergoldenhair
To: Syncro; bootless
Syncro, can you post that picture of those "flagulous" high heels to show bootless? (This woman had some grate-looking shoes!)
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