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West Virginia Congressman to Fly to
Associated Press ^
| Wednesday, September 11, 2002
Posted on 09/11/2002 7:57:33 AM PDT by Dog Gone
BECKLEY, W.Va. (AP) -- A congressman skeptical of the need for U.S. military action against Iraq says he is flying to Baghdad, hoping to answer questions about a possible invasion and seeking a meeting with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., said he wants to reassure Iraqi citizens that Americans are ``not out to wage war for war's sake.''
``I'm not going as a secretary of state,'' Rahall said Tuesday. ``I'm not going as a weapons inspector. And I'm not calling upon this administration to do one thing or another. I just have a lot of questions.''
Rahall, who was to leave early Wednesday evening, said he would tell the Iraqi president he should allow United Nations weapon inspectors ``unconditional and unfettered access to his country so we can find answers to a lot of questions the Congress has.''
Among others going is former Sen. James Abourezk, a South Dakota Democrat.
The trip is sponsored by the Institute for Public Accuracy, a group that says it seeks to foster the point of view of ``those whose perspectives are commonly drowned out by corporate-backed think tanks.''
Rahall said the group, which has been arranging the trip for months, has meetings scheduled with Foreign Minister Naji Sabril and other government leaders, as well as Scott Ritter, a former U.N. weapons inspector who has become a critic of Washington's Iraq policies.
President Bush is campaigning for support in Congress and abroad for military action against the Hussein regime, as his father did more than a decade ago.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; US: South Dakota; US: West Virginia
KEYWORDS: 200209; abourezk; amerithrax; anthrax; aqiraq; bertholdbrecht; bertholtbrecht; blumenthal; brecht; covid19; cuba; drmerylnass; drumheller; gulfwarsyndrome; inbedwiththeenemy; ipa; iran; iraqaq; iraqtrip; jamesabourezk; junkets; mann; merylnass; najisabri; najisabril; nass; nickrahall; normansolomon; rahall; ritter; scottritter; sidblumenthal; solomon; thomasmann; tylerdrumheller; ussr; vaccines
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posted on
09/11/2002 7:57:34 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: Dog Gone
May God protect his foolish soul.
Actually Saddam is not stupid, he will use this guy, just like he used Scott Ritter last weekend!
To: Dog Gone
Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va
Am I the only one suprised to see a (D) after this persons name
To: Dog Gone
Title should read, "Liberal Congressman going to Iraq to give away sensitive US intelligence secrets."
To: Dog Gone
--Abourezk was probably one of the most left-leaning Senators in history. His family fortune was made selling liquor on the border of the Sioux reservation in South Dakota--
To: redsoxallthewayintwothousand2
The trip is sponsored by the Institute for Public Accuracy, a group that says it seeks to foster the point of view of ``those whose perspectives are commonly drowned out by corporate-backed think tanks America is terrible and President Bush is an evil bug.''
posted on
09/11/2002 8:05:28 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: Dog Gone
This is how it should actually read...
West Virginia Ddemocrat to Fly to Iraq
Associated Press ^ | Wednesday, September 11, 2002
BECKLEY, W.Va. (AP) -- A democrat congressman skeptical of the need for U.S. military action against Iraq says he is flying to Baghdad to speak with Saddam personally. He plans to do this for the obstensive purpose of answering questions about a possible invasion. His true motive is based on using this opportunity to add to his rapidly depleting election campaign coffers. It is his belief that a sudden influx of Iraqi money could save his election chances.
While Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., said he wants to reassure Iraqi citizens that Americans are ``not out to wage war for war's sake.'' He is in reality planning to negotiate a financial arrangement between himself and Saddam, independent of any war outcome.
Rahall, who was to leave early Wednesday evening, said he would tell the Iraqi president he should provide him with "protection money" and that he would guarantee insight on closed door administration meeting content, and unilateral Democratic Party support for any action that he may take against the US in the future.
Among others going is former Sen. James Abourezk, a South Dakota Democrat. His intention to to make sure that the flow of money from Iraq goes to his election and personal coffers as wqell.
The trip is sponsored by the "Institute for Public Accuracy", a extremely left wing socialist liberal organization that was granted tax-exempt status under the Clinton Administration. The organization is currently under investigation by the FBI for Money Laundering and other non-definewd crimes.
Rahall said the group, which has been arranging the trip for months, has meetings scheduled with Foreign Minister Naji Sabril and other government leaders, as well as Scott Ritter, a former U.N. weapons inspector who has become a critic of Washington's Iraq policies.
posted on
09/11/2002 8:11:26 AM PDT
To: vannrox
Dead on.
posted on
09/11/2002 8:18:26 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: Dog Gone
Rahall should be denied readmitance to the US on his return from Iraq, but sent back to Bagdad to live out the rest of his days.
posted on
09/11/2002 8:20:07 AM PDT
To: Dog Gone
Well now I have heard it all, West Virginiain heading to Iraq. This is going to be a fact finding mission for sure, when this man was elected he informed the people of West Virginia he was going to DC and where ever else the roads out of West Virginia would take him. I think this man has watched a little too much Beverley Hillbillies. Should one of his cohorts in congress help find him a mule and send him home, I say H--L Yes. Along with a side of bacon and some grits.
posted on
09/11/2002 8:20:22 AM PDT
To: Dog Gone
Take Jessie Jackson with you...
posted on
09/11/2002 8:24:21 AM PDT
To: All
I guess he prefers Hussein's word over Bush's; astonishing.....
posted on
09/11/2002 8:34:39 AM PDT
To: irish guard
May God protect his foolish soul.and remove it from it's earthly container.
posted on
09/11/2002 8:38:40 AM PDT
To: irish guard
Rahall's heritage is Arab-American (probably 25/75)...He won't look too much like a westerner over there.
To: Dog Gone
Just like the Nazi-symps before WWII.
posted on
09/11/2002 9:13:57 AM PDT
To: Dog Gone
Stupid is as stupid does. These guys are naive bone-heads.
To: Wondervixen
Rep. Nick Rahall
posted on
09/11/2002 9:17:27 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: Dog Gone
What'd I tell ya?...A turban & some facial hair & he'd fit right in!
To: Dog Gone
Well, I'm sure the McKinneys would be tagging along, but 'twould appear they're short of a gig at the present time...
To: irish guard
Don't be so sure. The sap could be morphed into a NOC job. Spooks probably will have him wired but good.
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