What the heck is going on with this country? have the liberals and PC nut completely lost thier minds? First they take God out of the schools and the 10 commandments out of the courtrooms. and the pledge of allegiance is branded unconstitutional! WHAT NEXT!?
They cry out that their rights are being violated by the Christians and the right wing Conservatives. BALDERDASH! What about MY rights and the rights of all decent law abiding, God fearing Christian citizen? WHAT ABOUT OUR RIGHTS!?
These men and women who are risking their lives for our freedoms must feel betrayed. I feel like I want to do all I can to get rid of those who hold office or who are appointed to our federal courts! So, SEN. DASCHILE and his ilk better get off their duffs and let those judges President Bush appionts take their jobs.
okay, y 2 cents is said. I'm sorry for getting political on you but this needed to be said.
One more thing:
This really, REALLY stresses the importance if getting the Senate back into the hands of the Republicans.