To: Recovering_Democrat
The ninth circuit court is always way out of line.
To: KC_Conspirator
yes, you're right about that.
To: KC_Conspirator; Recovering_Democrat
The ninth circuit court is always way out of line. I can mail the good folks out that way some rope.
They'll have to find their own trees.
Hate to see anyone out of line.
To: KC_Conspirator
OK....are we suppose to say "one nation under allah"......what about God Bless that going to be unconstitutional also....sick sick sick.......
314 posted on
06/26/2002 12:16:19 PM PDT by
To: KC_Conspirator
The ninth circuit court is always way out of line. To the extent that they have the dubious reputation as being one of the most over-turned federal benches.
427 posted on
06/26/2002 12:33:18 PM PDT by
To: KC_Conspirator
The ninth Circus court of appeals has had more cases overturned than all others combined. Red Skelton predicted this years ago.
To: KC_Conspirator
Another great moment in American jurisprudence from the Ninth Circuit.
To: KC_Conspirator
I just watched the father, Michael Newdow, who brought this all about because his second-grade daughter had to say the Pledgein school, on Hannity & Commie. All I could think of was, and I don't wish it for him believe me, is if his doctor had to say to him one day, "Well Mr. Newdow, you have incurable cancer and only have three months to live". I'd bet my last dollar Mr. Newdow would say, or think, "Oh, my God". And I'd also bet, if, God forbid, something happened to his daughter, he'd also be calling on God. I did feel sorry for him - he's rather a sad sack completely lacking in stamina of any kind. On the other hand, Thank God, he's in the minority amongst Americans, along with the iditoic judges. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson