Then, again, as long as we keep electing these mealy-mouthed state & local politicians, nothing will change.
We were advised by APS that Payson would probably lose all power today. Didn't happen. But it may tomorrow.
Chediski Fire - 70 homes lost, 500 saved
Rodeo Fire - 115 homes lost, 1000 saved
Fire never entered Show Low proper today. Favorable conditions slowed the fire - temp only got to 87 (yesterday it was 92) and winds were calmer. The fire went through Linden and another home was lost in the Timberland Acres.
TWO FIRES JOINED at about 2:30PM in two separate areas. They will have revised maps and acreages in the morning after the infrared reports are in.
Full fire crews will be out working tonight.
Firefighters worked very hard in the Hop Canyon area. The fire did break through into Cottonwood Canyon and may threaten Lakeside later but there is still some chance it can be stopped. Alot of retardant has been laid down there and chances are 70/30 that they will be successful. If they win that battle, this will stop the fire from moving into Show Low from the south.
NUMBER ONE FIRE priority in the nation. There are 4 Type 1 teams working now.
FAA has granted total flight restrictions - this hasn't been done since the Yellowstone fire. Media helicopters will have to fly at 12,000 feet to stay out of the way of fire crews.
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture will be visiting tomorrow and participating in the 11AM briefing.
Very little change coming in the weather.