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St. Louis Cardinal pitcher Darryl Kile dead.
Posted on 06/22/2002 12:39:36 PM PDT by dennis1x
Edited on 05/11/2004 5:33:49 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
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To: rwfromkansas
Actually I would NEVER act that badly toward anyone.
And personally if I was a Cub player I would have suggested it be canceled--nothing like 24 players that are emotionally upset and distracted throwing 90 MPH pitches and swinging bats and trying to catch balls to make an exciting game!
Not to mention Cards and Cubs fans in the stands with beer flowing and a rude comment setting off a riot. Yup, I can see it now.
Of course it could be the rum and Vanilla Coke talking by now. Sadly I have no stronger drugs to help.
To: All
Died of Natural Causes...
To: big'ol_freeper
From a life long Dodgers fan, this is horrible news. It doesn't matter if Kile was the best player in baseball, or the worse, there is a woman who won't get to give her husband a kiss tonight (or any other night) when she goes to bed, and there are children who will never again have their daddy tuck them in at night, or play "horsey", go to their little league games, give them a hug, or go their graduations and marriages.
My thoughts and parayers are with the Kile family.
P.S. Once again, I'm reminded to live each day as if it could be my last
To: Pharmboy; BureaucratusMaximus; Servant of the Nine
I think this guy is a one could be THAT much of an idjyot.You don't know Swervie...
To: Wrigley
He died after the draft celebrating with friends.He died after smoking coke. What a loss,he had just signed with the Celtics,too. His brother,whose name escapes me,died in a drug shhotout a few years later about 10 miles from where Lenny died.
To: sinkspur
A business is in no way comparable to a tightly-knit baseball team. OTOH, a smart executive in a small business WOULD send employees home out of respect.Agreed - If possible, of course. Some small buisness owners are literally fighting off bankruptsy on a day to day basis. I would cut them more slack that a large corp. or a MLB team.
There are as*holes in every walk of life, of course, who would probably dock a dead guy's last check a half day if he died at lunch.
Hey, I think I've worked there. :)
To: RightWingNut
You are exactly correct. Each day is a gift from God.
To: Charles Henrickson
When I was a kid and Thurman Munson died, he was my favorite ballplayer. I was crushed. I thought about it for days, and then occasionally for years it would come back to me.
They say he died in his sleep. (Not Munson, Kile)
posted on
06/22/2002 2:20:21 PM PDT
To: rwfromkansas
So9 is probably the guy who demanded his secretary delay her father's funeral until the weekend because he needed her at work.
To: null and void; Servant of the Nine; LisaAnne
"You don't know Swervie..." That was my thought too. Swervie, that's pretty bad when they say that you make Darth Vader look like a sweetheart. LisaAnne, you'd better come reign this boy in. He is having issues.
To: sinkspur
Exactly. On the day of massive layoffs where I work, those who were left were allowed to go home if they wanted. On 9-11, we were also given the opportunity to go home and be with our families, and take the next day if we needed it.
To: Charles Henrickson
St. Louis sports-talk station FanSports KFNS is streaming local coverage live right now.
posted on
06/22/2002 2:29:06 PM PDT
To: petuniasevan
So9 is probably the guy who demanded his secretary delay her father's funeral until the weekend because he needed her at work.I bet the jerk has never had a job with enough responsibility to need a secretary.
To: lonestar
Steroids? Baseball is slowly coming under scrutiny for performance enhancing drugs. There is no required testing at the present. But it seems like every year some players hits one more homerun than done the year before.
To: lawyamike
Len Bias died on the court.He didn't even die during the season. He died the evening after he was selected in the NBA draft by the Celtics.
To: dennis1x
May God look over Darl Kile's soul and comfort his personal family and his Cardinal's family in this time of sorrow.
Baseball is a team sport. A team is like the fingers on your hand. They are independant of each other, but you normally don't get them to act as well unless they all work together as a a group. The same holds true with a baseball team. They are close to each other. When something happens to one of their close friends, it affects each and every one of them.
To: RightWingNut
P.S. Once again, I'm reminded to live each day as if it could be my last There it is.
posted on
06/22/2002 2:39:34 PM PDT
To: petuniasevan
So9 is probably the guy who demanded his secretary delay her father's funeral until the weekend because he needed her at work. Oh man, that reminds me of a thread I saw around here recently called "new company rules" or "new complany policy". Something to that effect. I can't find it right now. Anyone know what the title was?
To: Servant of the Nine
Apparently baseball is a sacred game, mustn't upset all the little boys, um, men, running around in their baseball caps on the weekends.
I would think out of respect for Darryl and the game they would have sucked it up an played.
To: LisaAnne
Apparently baseball is a sacred game, mustn't upset all the little boys, um, men, running around in their baseball caps on the weekends.I'm not a baseball fan, but I pity your husband / boyfriend.
If you have one, that is.
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