It's not a question of discrimination. It's a simple fact that if you occupy two seats you pay for two seats.
Yes and no.
It is acceptable in this country to discriminate against middle-class WASP males and overweight people. I happen to be both.
I haven't flown in a number of years as my job no longer requires it. But even 10 years ago, when I was considerably lighter, it was difficult to fly.
I really don't have a problem with this policy, although it might prevent me from flying. I DO have a problem with being told after I'm on the flight that I'm going to have to pay for another ticket.
And to the smart-@$$e$ that say it's just a matter of not eating so much, you're just showing your ignorance. For many that's the case. But for many there are health issues involved, including compulsive disorders, depression, etc. Ultimately it is a lifestyle choice and lifestyle learning. But to say it's "easy" is just stupid.
Yet another reason to avoid flying, whether you're fat or thin.
If such is SowNest's view, it is amazingly and laughably short-sighted and stupid, given that the US already is a nation of lard-asses, with some 30% of our population seriously overweight or obese. And, by all accounts, that percentage is growing day by day as so many Americans continue to sit on their fat asses and allow themselves to be "super-sized" by MacDonald's and all of the other whorish purveyors of slop.
I can't wait to see the geniuses who formulated this policy for SowNest Airlines eating crow -- and deep-fried crow at that....