If you're lucky, an incorrect font appearance is all that will go wrong. I am a technical consultant, and this week at my client, I found a program in use that used a font which a particular user didn't have. Usually, the Windows GDI (the graphics portion of windows) will attempt to make a "best guess" substitution when a specific font is not available. But this particular user switched their machine from an overall typeface set of "small fonts" to "large fonts." That caused the substitution part to stop working merely poorly (substituting a 14 point serif-based font for a 8-point sans-serif one, but still readable) to a downright Mal@FUNC!#tion... It started replacing the small sans-serif font with an enormous
Cyrillic typeface!! So suddenly, she's looking at our application in big 'ol pig Russian.
So in a roundabout way... to answer your question.... Yes, I did know that ;-)
I know, that's why I don't use font to much, but with this really cool program.......LOL! I love new toys.