I would rather be on a seperate list if I have to be on a list. I don't like lables. List's suck , but lables and political parties suck more IMHO. Granted Democrat , Socialist, RHINO etc etc is a great way to collectivly keep track of the sedition in this country but I prefer to remain unaffiliated with anything except the Republic for which we stand.
My appointment to any list will be because of my belief in the writings of Col. Amoss who wrote of Leaderless Resistance on April 17, 1962. His theories of organization were primarily directed against the threat of eventual Communist take-over in the United States. Sadly numerous foreign and domestic terrorist and criminal organizations have attempted to modify and claim they use this theory and sometimes even it's mere mention is enough to raise an eyebrow and initiate investigations from revenue based alaphabet goobermint agencies against honest folks just wanting to conserve our Constitution and Republic.
In my opinion the enemy is in the wire. And every law abidding American should be aware of Col Amoss's writings and concepts. Just as they have water , blankets and a flashlight for emergencies they need to have "knowledge" to back up any disaster recovery . Either from manmade or natural sources. Avoid other writers modifications of his theories . And remember the only way for two people to keep a secret is if one of them is dead.
I will use my soap box, ballot box, jury box to stop the sedition in this country and as a last result (no other options left).....the ammo box if need be.
Just my opinion of course. Stay Safe !