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Thong-Wearing Teens Kicked Out Of Dance
KGTV via Yahoo ^
| april 30 2002
Posted on 04/30/2002 4:30:34 AM PDT by KneelBeforeZod
Thong-Wearing Teens Kicked Out Of Dance
A group of parents are calling for the resignation of Rancho Bernardo High School's vice principal, claiming she enforced underwear checks at a school dance, 10News reported.
The dance occurred Friday and vice principal Rita Wilson turned away girls who were wearing thongs, the parent said.
Kim Teal is among the several parents angry with Wilson (pictured, right).
"First thing (my daughter) said when she got into the car was, 'Mom, it was horrible last night. You have to fight this,'" Teal told 10News.
According to parent Alane Garvik, girls who arrived at the dance wearing short skirts were immediately asked: "What kind of underwear do you have on?"
When Garvik's daughter red-facedly announced that she was wearing thong underwear she was told to "go home and put on appropriate underwear," according to Garvik.
Teal's daughter made it in and claims to have witnessed faculty lifting the skirts of girls to assure that the offending underwear was going nowhere near the dance floor.
"Well, I just saw ... a line of people and the vice principal, Mrs. Wilson, she was checking to see what the girls were wearing under their dresses. And she was literally lifting up their skirts and embarrassing them in front of everyone else," one student told 10News.
Parents and students have placed the blame on Wilson, for spearheading the thong underwear checks, even though there is nothing in the school dress code against them.
"It's not their right to know what kind of underwear these kids have," Garvik told 10News.
10News contacted school officials, who all declined to go on camera. But Principal Paul Gentle did say that he is "looking into the situation."
Parents are now asking for Wilson to resign.
Gentle said that even while enforcing the school dress code, it is not proper procedure to ask students what they are wearing underneath their clothes.
He told 10News that he plans to meet with parents sometime this week.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; US: California
KEYWORDS: school
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To: hobbes1
And, no matter what these idiot parents think, thier daughters vulva hanging out of a thong is inappropriate, at a HS function. Or any where else for that matter.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:23:00 AM PDT
To: Domestic Church
What kind of mother buys thong underwear for her daughter? What kind of mother allows her daughter to go to a dance in a short skirt wearing thong underwear? The same kind that takes her daughter to an abortionist to kill her grandchild while he or she is trapped in the womb and no one to turn to, neither parent nor grandparent..
That kind of mother buys thong underwear for her daughter.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:26:11 AM PDT
To: Alas
No, just doing what the parents should have done in the first place. So you are of the opinion that school officials should be fulfilling parents' roles? Does that apply to the classroom as well? Do teachers get to teach whatever PC nonsense they feel is right because "the parents should have done so in the first place"?
To: KneelBeforeZod
Both sides need a good public flogging on this one.
The fool parents sending their daughters to a dance with a short skirt and thong underwear are apparently just close-minded homophobes. There was gonna be some action, they just didn't expect it to be an older woman. (sarcasm off)
To: NittanyLion
Do teachers get to teach whatever PC nonsense ...If that vice principal were doing the PC thing, she would have sent all those home who were not wearing mini skirts and string bikini underwear.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:30:58 AM PDT
To: KneelBeforeZod
Thongs for the memories.
Hey, in the klintoon's White House, this type of attire was standard issue. It's how you got "ahead" in the world.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:32:32 AM PDT
To: NittanyLion
So you are of the opinion that school officials should be fulfilling parents' roles? Does that apply to the classroom as well? Call Penn State. Demand Tuition Refund.....Exactly what do you think the phrase describing the schools legal obligation "In loco Parentis" means ?
posted on
04/30/2002 5:33:59 AM PDT
To: KneelBeforeZod
At least they had on thong underwear! I wonder how many were dismissed due to no underwear!
posted on
04/30/2002 5:34:42 AM PDT
To: tomkat
in two hundred words (+/-), you've managed to completely miss the point ... hardly. you seem to have miised the key turning point in the article.
According to parent Alane Garvik, girls who arrived at the dance wearing short skirts were immediately asked: "What kind of underwear do you have on?"
It is entirely inappropriate to be sending ones CHILD out , or permitting entry to (for the school) a 15 year old, dressed like a streetwalker.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:35:59 AM PDT
To: xsmommy
A little help here please, from my Abercrombie and Fitch shopping buddy!
posted on
04/30/2002 5:36:56 AM PDT
To: KneelBeforeZod
The underwear check is over the line...however, I would hope that the school dress code would dictate the length of the skirt and that alone would be sufficient reason to send the girl home to dress more appropriately. A skirt that is so short that your underwear would show if you raised your arms has no place in a school setting.
To: hobbes1
Exactly what do you think the phrase describing the schools legal obligation "In loco Parentis" means ? That's fine. Just so there's no complaining when the curriculum is more concerned with political activism than reading, writing, and 'rithmetic. After all, teachers are running the show now.
To: KneelBeforeZod
This sounds like something the former Pervert in Chief would be doing.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:40:57 AM PDT
To: KneelBeforeZod; RnMomof7; truebeliever9
It's a dance, a SCHOOL dance. Short skirts at a dance tend to fly up and reveal what is beneath. The thong type underwear will reveal all of an ass and a portion (if not all) of pubic hair, and perhaps even genitalia. For all practical purposes, it's the same as NO underwear.
This vice-principal wanted a modest, appropriate dance.
Sorry, folks, but I support her. And if I were a conservative parent who'd advocated morality in schools, I'd be walking a picket line in her behalf for STANDING UP for what was moral and appropriate for youth.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:43:04 AM PDT
To: hobbes1
hey, what do i know, my kids are in Catholic school and i assure you, they would not be permitted to wear thong underwear to a dance! while picking up xsteen last friday evening, i saw my first jr. high dance, and sister theresa was posted AT THE DOOR. xsteen informed me that she was glad that she had not worn the single shoulder A&F top that she had planned to, since Sister had approached some girls thusly attired and suggested that it was INAPPROPRIATE for the dance.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:43:52 AM PDT
To: hobbes1
and exactly which part of the 4th Amendment do
you not understand ?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:43:53 AM PDT
To: Alas
Alas, I am delegated the task of doing the clothes washing at our home and lo and behold, in the process of folding same, I discovered a pair of thong underwear. During the interrogation, I find that my teenaged daughter's grandmother (my ex-mother-in-law) had given her several pairs for Christmas. I explained to her that I considered them inappropriate attire and without any argument, she threw them all away. I sincerely hope that it will never be anyone else's responsibility but mine to make these determinations.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:43:58 AM PDT
To: xzins
"Short skirts at a dance tend to fly up and reveal what is beneath. The thong type underwear will reveal all of an ass and a portion (if not all) of pubic hair, and perhaps even genitalia. For all practical purposes, it's the same as NO underwear."Cut it out, you're getting me all turned on before work.
To: Quilla; hobbes1
see i guess this is what makes me a statist, because i prefer that the school REINFORCE my standards. that is why i send them to Catholic school. Were they attending a dance at a public H.S. with NO STANDARDS i suppose i could monitor what my daughter went out the DOOR wearing, but could not be sure she wasn't changing into something sleazy in the girls bathroom at the dance. i am secure in knowing xsteen would not do that, but there are plenty of kids who would. And none of my kids will ever attend a public school if i can help it.
posted on
04/30/2002 5:47:24 AM PDT
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