It's stupid lies and slogans like this that prove what enviralism really is: MARXISM
You're not loosing anything, some worthless dust-bin desert is being salvaged and put to the use that the Lord intended: homes for people.
Hey E-S! Wanna hear my new slogan?
Pave the Rainforest!
For some reason, when it does the same thing to real estate values there doesn't seem to be the same kind of reaction. I suppose some of it has to do with the fact that everyone has a dollar bill, but not everyone owns property; so the impact isn't as universal.
Onerous land-use regulation is theft, pure and simple.
I agree, and thanks for the heads up.
Incentives considered in local government habitat conservation plans assume that land owners will be forced to participate. In essence, local government places a new burden on property owners, then offers to partially relieve that burden as an incentive to cooperate.
Mob protection rackets use the same strategy. Whether one uses laws and storm troopers to operate a habitat protection racket or uses Sam and Lou as mob strong arms the end result is the same, save for one major difference. That difference is that the habitat protection racket is backed by lawmakers -- supposedly compassionate, "protect the little guy" politicians and bureaucrats -- making them appear as benefactors to society. It is based on deception that in the long run is always a net loss for the "little guy". At least a mob protection racket is seen for what it is, a criminal organization.
As one Farm Bureau manager in a rural county put it, We dont have a problem with urban sprawl; we have a problem with conservation sprawl.
As one "little guy" put it, "we don't have a problem with how land owners use their land we have a problem with how politicians and bureaucrats force land owners to abide their political agendas."
Federal and state government may or may not be willing to share the cost of a habitat conservation plan. Habitat conservation plans are developed to fulfill or anticipate the demands of federal and state Endangered Species Acts. If federal and state government balk at sharing the cost, the burden would fall entirely on local property owners.
Misses the point throughout the article that the taxpayers always pay the cost. Some unfortunate citizens/subjects are forced to pay on all three levels -- local state and federal.
Local governments will argue that funding for habitat planning could be quickly depleted by landowners seeking court determination of land value. Farmers and ranchers answer that local government can avoid expensive legal battles by bargaining in good faith, offering fair market value and carefully choosing which private lands to acquire. The argument that local government cant afford to pay market value for private land proves that government seeks to acquire land for less than market value and simply strengthens the argument that land set-asides for habitat protection are a taking of private property.
Time to sic Sam and Lou on the land owners. "Local governments mob bosses will argue that funding for habitat planning protection rackets could be quickly depleted by landowners seeking court determination of land value criminal protection racket."
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The federal government (state and local are similar) create thousands of laws and regulations each year. The three thousand laws and regulations the federal government writes in 2002 were not needed last year, nor years prior. But supposedly we need them this year and for years to come. Note that less than one percent of laws and regulations are ever repealed. Also, the several thousand laws that will be written next year and the several thousand laws and regulations written each year thereafter will not be needed until they are written. We don't need those forthcoming laws and regulations now but the supposedly compassionate, "I'll protect the little guy" politicians and bureaucrats aided by the lame-stream media and academia, will persuade the "little guy" that he and she needs the government protection services to forever write new protection laws. And of course convince force taxpayers to fund such laws as well as fund the parasitical elite that write them.
As big as the environmental scam is the IRS/congress scam dwarfs it.