I can tell you the rank and file Auto workers are for it.
This is an issue like gun control. Gor every democrat is pleases it makes two democrats madder than hell. It is a loser. Bush needs to keep bringing it up over and over and over. The more the Demorats fillibuster the more they ensure their defeat in November.
ANWAR opposition with oil prices sky high takes Michigan and Pa out of the Democrat column.
We need to tell those Dakota farmers that Daschle wants them to pay a bundle for oil to tend the wheat, so the caribow can fornicate in peace.
The democrats are doing what ever it takes to lose the senate.
The parties are almost reversed on strategy. The Democrats used to fold on wedge issues and the Republican stood their ground and lost. Now it its the direct opposite.
It seems like the Democrats have forgotten how they got to implement their agenda for 60 years. And it appears that Dubya can't forget how they did it.