You are right. The "Napalm picture girl" was made famous because it was based on a media lie. One that helped get the main liar,Peter Arnette,a Pulitzer Prize.Remember how it was reported she was fleeing from a American bombing attack that had burnt her clothes off her? Wrong. It was the South Vietnames Air Force who were flying the planes dropping the Napalm,and the reason the village she lived in was being bombed is because the NVA and VC was hidden in the village amongst the villagers,and shooting at South Vietnamese army soldiers.
As for the prize-winning lie,it was "we had to destroy the village in order to save it",supposedly said by a U8 Army Major to Arnette in a interview about the attack. There was on US Army Major anywhere around,and Arnette made the whole thing up. The Pulitzer Prize committee is aware of this,but refuse to pull his award because they don't want to admit they made a mistake.