Name just one thing these royals did to stop england from turning into a socialist cesspool?
BTW Please spare me the "brave lady of WWII stuff" .
That was over 50 years ago.
There are lots of "Brave WWII" Vets around and they die everyday without fanfare
These two statements are most contradictory. She lived in the public eye, so of course, her death will be marked by all major media outlets. There have been plenty of comments on this thread about the heroism of ths generation. I suggest you read up on your British History....starting in 1066. We would be nothing without England--we took the best of their system, and thanks to some revolutionary thinkers, soldiers, and statesmen, we have this wonderful country.
The Queen Mother saw many of her male acquaintances she grew up with die in WWI. Britain took enormous losses fighting the Germans in this war, practically a whole generation of young men were lost. Britain went to war with Germany again in September 1939. Britain, and the British Commonwealth of nations fought valiantly, essentially alone, to stem the German onslaught. During this trying period she and the King acquited themselves well, bolstering moral and offering stalwart leadership. The Queen Mother will be remembered for this ... this was Britains finest hour.
And isn't that just like you, watcher1, to leave a snail trail of filth across a condolence thread?