I can't speak for GSWarrior, but I'd say we are people who can have a rational discussion about an event, an event that has nothing to do with anybody's sexuality, and not resort to childish name-calling like yourself.
I don't approve of homosexuality, but I also don't approve of many things. The difference between you and I, I don't go around thinking about what people do in their bedrooms.
I dont' care that he was gay, I don't think the people on that flight cared, I don't think the terrorists cared. The only thing I care about, he did what anybody in his situation should do, and that was, take action.
You should, for his sake.
I don't think the people on that flight cared, and neither would have I.
Of course, not, texlok, they cared about surviving the ordeal, and then foiling the 'jackers role in their "attack on America". I don't think the terrorists cared.
Or knew. The only thing I care about, he did what anybody in his situation should do, and that was, take action.
Nice that Bingham did. Nevertheless, he is still a poster boy for the gay cause.