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What Bumper Stickers do you have on your vehicles???
Rush Limbaughs Show
Posted on 02/20/2002 9:18:45 AM PST by Sungirl
Since Rush started this......I was wondering what Freepers have on their automobiles.
I have a Free Republic;Bush/Cheney;Bush Country;Go Jeb!;and an American Flag.
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To: Sungirl
American Flag (Old one, from long before it was cool)
"Is it 1996 Yet?" The 1996 covered with "2000"
"Anybody but Clinton" The "C" in Clinton is a hammer and sickle
"Free Elian Now!"
Alfa Romeo Quadrafoglio (Four Leaf Clover)
Alfa Romeo Owner's Club
Needless to say, in occupied country (Montgomery County, MD), I get many people upset...
To: Slyfox
"I got a gun for my wife. Best trade I ever made".
To: newgeezer
Let's try this one more time: No, I didn't say the flag of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was racist--I said it was separatist! (as in wanting to separate from this great country)!
posted on
02/20/2002 11:56:49 AM PST
To: Sungirl
On my car's trunk is the following:
On front bumper:
In rear window-ham radio call sign
posted on
02/20/2002 11:57:58 AM PST
To: Sungirl
"Reunite Gandwanaland"
To: Sungirl
To: Sungirl
Dont want any on my cars but did see a cute one the other day: "The Big Bang Theory:God spoke and BANG it happened."
To: Sungirl
I just have my Cape Cod Tunnel Permit sticker on the car, but I have another sticker that says My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.
To: meandog
newgeezer: Maybe [meandog is]
a victim of Yankee public education, and doesn't realize how badly the so-called "civil war" destroyed the Constitution.meandog: WRONG! I don't believe the Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia had anything to do with slavery; but there is no doubt it had to do with the separation of this country--you know the one we recite as "ONE nation under God, INDIVISIBLE with liberty and justice for all" when we say the pledge of allegiance.
newgeezer: So, the Pledge trumps the Constitution.
meandog: No...what Constitutionality are you talking about? Read Section 3 of the 14th amendment!
(Hint: Congress passed the 14th Amendment in 1866.) Try looking at the Constitution as it existed BEFORE the war between the states. You might start with the powers of Congress and states' rights. The victors won the right to ignore the Constitution, and we've been reaping the "benefits" ever since.
To: No More Gore Anymore
I want one of those. Where did you get it? Which one? I've gotten all my good ones at my state Republican party convention. One'll be coming up soon.
posted on
02/20/2002 12:12:23 PM PST
Comment #211 Removed by Moderator
To: Sungirl
"My Honor Student Can Beat The Crap Out Of Your Idiot"
To: Sungirl
What a great thread! One vehicle has "Proud to be an American" and the pickup has "Don't Mess With Texas!"
posted on
02/20/2002 12:16:26 PM PST
To: Slyfox
When all the trees are gone, you can wipe your @$$ on a spotted owl!
To: DrNo
Should read:
Warning: Driver carries less MORE than $20.00 worth of ammunition.
To: meandog
Southern girls know their cities dripping with Southern charm: Richmond
Nawli! ns' AHEM. That's New Orleans, sir.
Well said!! I'd add St. Augustine to that list, but I'm biased.
To: meandog; MAWG
Let's try this one more time: No, I didn't say the flag of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was racist--I said it was separatist! (as in wanting to separate from this great country)!
- You posted some bumper stickers, one of which denounced a Confederate flag and anyone who displays it.
- Then, you explained it thusly: The bumper stickers all had to do with rednecks, racists (black and white) and perpetuation of an antebellum slave society.
- Somewhere along the way, you decided to start talking about the flag of "northern Virginia", etc., etc., and you claim you didn't say it was racist.
If you care to explain how your posts here make sense, I'll be interested to see it.
To: newgeezer
You're wasting your time newgeezer. He's from Iowa. Is that a state? Hell, I thought it was just a farm where people from Nebraska went to pick corn.
posted on
02/20/2002 12:30:48 PM PST
To: Come get it
Only a liberal needs more than $20.00 of ammo to get the job done!
posted on
02/20/2002 12:38:13 PM PST
To: Doctor Stochastic
Driving the Axles of Evil, I see. Yup ... in fact I still have pieces of Yugo stuck in my tires
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