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To: OKCSubmariner; ratcat; Fred Mertz; It'salmosttolate; Noumenon; Askel5
_Jim Magnet

OKC Bombing: Precursor to 9-11?

Evidence links the OKC bombing to Middle Eastern terrorists, and the failure of officials to examine this evidence in 1995 may have set the stage for the September 11th attacks.

The New American
by William F. Jasper
Vol. 18, No. 02
January 28, 2002

The Black Tuesday terror attacks on America have prompted some journalists to take a look at the abundant evidence of Middle Eastern terrorist involvement in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the possible connection of that event to the more recent 9-11 attacks. A recent example is Insight magazine. A December 3rd article by Kelly Patricia O’Meara reports that Timothy McVeigh’s convicted co-conspirator Terry Nichols "reportedly attended a meeting in the early 1990s on the predominantly Muslim island of Mindanao, a hotbed of fundamentalist activities, at which Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah were present. The themes of the meeting were ‘bombing activities, providing firearms and ammunition, training in making and handling bombs.’ Yousef was the mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993; Murad and Shah were convicted in a 1996 conspiracy to blow up 12 U.S. jetliners."

O’Meara interviewed Iraq expert Dr. Laurie Mylroie, author of the newly released book, The War Against America: Saddam Hussein and The World Trade Center Attacks. A consultant to the McVeigh defense team, Mylroie told Insight that "the connection of Terry Nichols, the Philippines and Ramzi Yousef is a very important point that neither the FBI nor the press pursued." Mylroie added, "I doubt that Nichols has ever been asked about his connections to Yousef because the government didn’t want to know. It wanted to say, ‘Here are the perpetrators; we arrested them and we brought them to justice. Case closed.’"

Dr. Mylroie’s book marshals convincing evidence that Ramzi Yousef was acting as an agent for Saddam Hussein. The foreword to her book was penned by former CIA Director R. James Woolsey two weeks after the September 11th attacks. In that piece and other articles since Black Tuesday, Woolsey has expressed his support for her thesis and stated his belief that Hussein was behind both the 1993 and the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center Towers. He scorches the Clinton administration (under which he served) for an unwillingness to look at the evidence of state sponsorship of these acts of terrorism.

Familiar Ground

All of this is familiar ground to regular readers of this magazine. For nearly seven years THE NEW AMERICAN has been publishing stories concerning evidence pointing directly toward Iraqi involvement with McVeigh and Nichols in the bombing (see In "A Tale of Intrigue," in our December 25, 1995 issue, for instance, we reported on the evidence pointing toward a possible connection between Terry Nichols and Ramzi Yousef in the Philippines. It is a theme we have returned to many times, as additional supporting evidence has developed.

In our October 16, 1995 issue ("Startling OKC Developments"), we reported on the series of stories by Jayna Davis, an investigative reporter for the Oklahoma City NBC affiliate, KFOR-TV. Mrs. Davis had interviewed eyewitnesses who had seen individuals identified as being of Middle Eastern extraction speeding away from the Murrah Federal Building in a pickup truck immediately before the blast. Her investigative reports pointed to at least one Iraqi "refugee," a former soldier in Saddam Hussein’s army, who was living in Oklahoma City. He had come to the U.S. under a controversial Clinton program that had brought several thousand Iraqis here for resettlement — without screening and security checks to weed out Saddam’s agents posing as refugees. Mrs. Davis also located credible witnesses who placed this Iraqi in the company of Timothy McVeigh in the days prior to the bombing.

KFOR aired several stories with video footage of the Iraqi bombing "suspect," but digitally blurred his face and did not identify him by name. They identified him only as a "possible John Doe No. 2," presented the considerable evidence pointing to him as a prime suspect, and asked why federal authorities were completely uninterested in questioning him or looking at the evidence. The Iraqi suspect, Hussain Al-Hussaini, identified himself publicly when he launched a defamation lawsuit against Davis and KFOR.

Rather than looking objectively at Jayna Davis’ excellent research, virtually all of the Oklahoma City and national media adopted the Bill Clinton-Janet Reno thesis that the OKC bombing was a domestic "right-wing" attack, and rejected out of hand any evidence of foreign ties to the bombing. A careful review of Davis’ extensive evidence and our own parallel investigation quickly convinced this writer that Davis was on solid ground.

O’Meara’s Insight item singles out as a prime co-conspirator suspect an individual whom this magazine has reported on extensively. O’Meara points directly at a notorious leader of the Ku Klux Klan and White Aryan Resistance, Dennis Mahon, who, she says, was "long suspected of being a player in the conspiracy to bomb the Murrah building." The story notes — as we have reported several times in the past — that "the Iraqi government has given Dennis Mahon thousands of dollars over the past six years, and Mahon has been banned from entering Canada and the United Kingdom and is classified by Interpol as an international terrorist." "The FBI did not bother to interview Mahon in connection to the Oklahoma City bombing," notes O’Meara. That is true; while the Clinton/Reno Justice Department and FBI bragged about the thousands of agents involved in the OKC investigation and the tens of thousands of interviews they conducted, the government never explained why obvious suspects like Mahon and Al-Hussaini were never questioned.

New Evidence

Last October, Paul Bedard, a writer for U.S. News & World Report, dropped a potential bombshell when he reported that top Pentagon officials believe that Timothy McVeigh was an Iraqi agent and claimed that McVeigh was in possession of Iraqi telephone numbers. In a short item entitled "McVeigh’s ghost" that appeared in Bedard’s Washington Whispers column on October 29th, U.S. News reported:

Some dismiss it as being akin to Elvis sightings, but a few top Defense officials think Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh was an Iraqi agent. The theory stems from a never-before-reported allegation that McVeigh had allegedly collected Iraqi telephone numbers. Why haven’t we heard this before about the case of the executed McVeigh? Conspiracy theorists in the Pentagon think it’s part of a coverup.

Mr. Bedard subsequently appeared on Fox TV’s Fox and Friends show, where he stated that McVeigh "had information about Iraq which has led some officials to think that he was an Iraqi agent and maybe was doing Saddam Hussein’s business in Oklahoma City." Mr. Bedard’s reports were the first ever to allege that Timothy McVeigh possessed Iraqi telephone numbers. If true, this would mean that highly significant information had been covered up; nothing of this sort came out during the McVeigh or Nichols trials.

On September 13th, two days after the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., listeners to WRRK in Pittsburgh, Pa., were stunned to hear Chicago attorney David Schippers state that he had attempted to warn Attorney General John Ashcroft and other federal officials about the catastrophic attack weeks before it occurred. Schippers, the author of Sellout: The Inside Story of President Clinton’s Impeachment, gained international fame as the chief investigative counsel for the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives’ successful impeachment of President Bill Clinton. According to Mr. Schippers, he had received information from intelligence sources, including FBI agents, that a massive terrorist attack was being planned for lower Manhattan (where the World Trade Center was located). Schippers said that he began trying to get this information to Ashcroft six weeks before the Black Tuesday attacks.

Currently representing Jayna Davis, Schippers had attempted even earlier to get her information concerning the OKC-Iraq connection to the attorney general. In both cases, he said, he had been stymied by lower-level Department of Justice officials who would not give him access to Mr. Ashcroft or any of his top lieutenants. Mr. Schippers repeated these charges in several other radio and print interviews.

On March 20, 2001, Fox TV’s Bill O’Reilly interviewed Jayna Davis, providing the first major national coverage of her OKC-Mideast research. Subsequently, Mr. O’Reilly has focused his program, "The O’Reilly Factor," on a related aspect of the OKC-Mideast connection, achieving some very positive results. His September 26th broadcast entitled "What is Going On at the University of South Florida?" asked some piercing questions of USF Professor Sami Al-Arian and his connections to the Islamic Jihad terrorist group. We had asked similar questions in a detailed article ("America the Vulnerable," September 14, 1998) about Al-Arian, Ramadan Shallah, Khalil Shikaki, and others at USF connected to Islamic Jihad and Hamas. That article pointed out that Al-Arian and company were operating through USF-affiliated "think tanks" such as the World Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE) and the Islamic Committee for Palestine (ICP) to give terrorist leaders access to the U.S. and to radicalize American Muslims for recruitment into the extremist networks. We noted therein that an ICP/WISE speaker, Kamal Helbawi, a Hamas leader based in Pakistan, was one of several militants who had addressed Muslims in a very inflammatory speech at a conference in Oklahoma City.

"Oklahoma City has played host to other leaders associated with Hamas, ICP, WISE, and other suspected terrorist fronts," we reported. "And evidence developed by this magazine and other investigators indicates that locally based and foreign individuals associated with these long-established terrorist networks were involved in the April 19, 1995 bombing. Unless officials are pressured to conduct an honest and thorough investigation, more atrocities and tragedies are sure to follow."

Thanks to Bill O’Reilly’s coverage on Fox, USF announced last December 19th that Dr. Al-Arian was being dismissed from employment at USF. That will be a rather empty victory, however, if federal immigration, intelligence, and law enforcement officials do not follow up with an intensive investigation into the vast terrorist support network within this country, of which Al-Arian’s USF band appears to be a significant part.

Many people held high hopes that the important OKC-Mideast evidence that the Clinton-Reno regime had suppressed would be acted on under the new Bush-Ashcroft management. But the Department of Justice under Ashcroft is thus far following the Reno script on OKC. On October 29th, Oklahoma Judge Ray Dean Linder ruled that, because of objections from the Bush-Ashcroft Justice Department, retired FBI Agent Dan Vogel would not be allowed to testify about evidence he had received concerning Mideast connections to the OKC bombing. Vogel, an Oklahoma City FBI Special Agent, had volunteered to testify in the upcoming state trial of Terry Nichols, who has already been convicted on federal charges as an accomplice with Timothy McVeigh in the bombing. Among the things that Mr. Vogel could testify about is that he received 22 affidavits and more than 30 witness statements describing sightings of Middle Easterners with McVeigh. The information was transmitted to him at the FBI’s Oklahoma City office on January 28, 1999 by reporter Jayna Davis, accompanied by her husband, Drew Davis, and her attorney, Dan Nelson. Mr. Vogel has said that he is willing to testify before a congressional committee if he is subpoenaed to do so.

Last November 17th, Indianapolis Star writer James Patterson wrote a story on the Davis-Vogel-OKC-Ashcroft developments that was picked up nationally by the Associated Press. In the article, entitled "Missing evidence from Oklahoma City," Patterson wrote: "The FBI doesn’t want to talk about it, but the evidence keeps mounting. Critical evidence that several Middle Eastern men may have been connected to the Oklahoma City bombing appears to have been kept from the public by the FBI."

"Officially, the FBI has dismissed the possibility of a John Doe No. 2, an olive-skinned man whose sketch they released immediately after the bombing, or other suspects," said Patterson. "But current and former FBI agents in Oklahoma City say they received documents pointing to another person or even a cell of Middle Eastern operatives. At a minimum, Congress should question one former FBI agent who says he obtained 22 affidavits and more than 30 witness statements describing sightings of Middle Easterners with McVeigh."

The Star article states that FBI "agents believe if that evidence had not been suppressed by the FBI, it could have helped uncover plans leading to the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon." Patterson quotes an unnamed former FBI agent as stating: "We did have some Oklahoma connections to the events in Washington, D.C., and New York City. We did find out that one of these individuals was trying to take flight training at a Norman [Okla.] flight instruction school."

Why do the Bush administration and Congress continually avoid looking at this evidence, especially the more recent evidence Mr. Schippers claims to have about forewarning of the 9-11 attacks? It is absolutely imperative that Congress and the White House be held accountable for this gross dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice. How many more attacks must we suffer and how many more lives must be lost before this very reasonable, common-sense request to investigate prime suspects and examine available, credible evidence is finally acted upon by officials in Washington?


Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes

Dick Cheney asks Daschle to Limit Sept. 11 probes

Some dismiss it as being akin to Elvis sightings, but a few top Defense officials think Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh was an Iraqi agent. The theory stems from a never-before-reported allegation that McVeigh had allegedly collected Iraqi telephone numbers. Why haven't we heard this before about the case of the executed McVeigh? Conspiracy theorists in the Pentagon think it's part of a coverup.

The Oklahoma City Bombing - Glenn and Kathy Wilburn - Links

Frank Keating - Crimes Committed By FBI Officials and Agents During National Security Operations




Oklahoma City Bomb Report - Brigadier General Benton K. Partin, USAF (Ret.)

OKCSubmariner(Patrick B. Briley) Articles:
Did Former FBI Inspector Preside Over FBI Cover-up of OKC Bombing?
Did Former FBI Inspector Preside Over FBI Cover-up of OKC Bombing?
Significant McVeigh Contacts
Significant McVeigh Contacts-Part II of II
Significant McVeigh Contacts-Part I of II
FBI Suppresses Information About Middle Eastern Suspects In OKC Bombing Case
Updated Version: FBI Suppresses Information About Middle Eastern Suspects in the OKC Bombing Case
FBI Avoids Black and White Caucasian Accomplices of McVeigh in OKC
FBI Suppresses and Falsifies Information About Middle Eastern Suspects in the OKC Bombing Case
Another Example of FBI Behavior to Suppress Evidence in the OKC Bombing Case
Remove and Investigate FBI Director Louis Freeh

36,000 pages of undisclosed evidence? - Court could allow Nichols' lawyers to see FBI tips

Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City? - Hotel receipt shows top terror man showed up 9 hours before blast

Network: Remove gag from terror witnesses -CBS asks court to release papers, allow parties to speak about attack

Oklahoma City terrorism report released 6-year investigation concludes government 'concealed' truth

Justice: No Key meeting before execution - Investigator still wants to schedule discussion with Ashcroft

Key requests meeting with Ashcroft - Oklahoma City investigator says 'improprieties' exist in case

Revealing the truth about OKC - Geoff Metcalf interviews bombing investigator Charles Key

Accomplices known to FBI - Document provides evidence tying white racists to McVeigh

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard:

'Vacuous' press echoes official line? Evans-Pritchard: Alternative media dig into, reveal true story

'The resurrection of President Clinton'

'Glenn and Kathy Wilburn'

Bomb squad seen before blast

John Doe 2

Evidence: White racists aided McVeigh - Mideast connection - books on how to speak Arabic

FBI whistleblowers on cover-up - Ex-agents tell '60 Minutes II' of evidence ignored

McVeigh diagrams ANFO bomb - Details show larger device than government officials stated

Feds canceled pre-blast raid Committee head: If government had acted, attack on building could have been thwarted

Officials had prior knowledge of bombing - McVeigh's contacts, activities known to ATF year in advance

Witnesses heard multiple explosions - Experts say Murrah Building damage not done by truck blast alone

FBI refused 22 eyewitness testimonies - Evidence implicating Mideast connection created 'discovery problem'

FBI ignores 'John Does' - Report: Witnesses who saw McVeigh with other suspects not called to testify

McVeigh, Nichols 'did not act alone' - OKC investigating committee concludes U.S. 'had prior knowledge of the bombing'

Oklahoma City's lost information - Early accounts differ from today's 'official' explanation of bombing

Oklahoma City blast linked to bin Laden - Reporter says FBI refused to accept evidence of foreign terror connection

Dead McVeighs tell no tales

The ghost of Tim McVeigh

Open letter to John Ashcroft

Another reprieve for McVeigh

Federal Bureau of Incompetence?

Who will prosecute FBI criminals?

Don't kill McVeigh -- yet

Glenn Wilburn
Two weeks before his death, the call finally came. Glenn, always gracious, made his final heroic effort. Too ill to move, he insisted on being lifted into his wheelchair, his drooping limbs strapped with a sheet, and was taken out to say goodbye to Oklahoma.

"Do you think that the stress of all you've been through the past two years contributed to your illness?" asked the reporter.

"Yes," replied Glenn, the emotional trauma had probably supressed his immune system.

"Knowing that, would you do it all over again?"

"Yes, because I have to look at myself in the mirror."

He died on July 15, 1997, aged 46, an ordinary American who showed great independence of mind. He had been angry with God, bitter at the injustice of the bombing, but he had made his peace. "Lord forgive me that I didn't become all that You wanted me to be," he prayed aloud, in his last conscious act with his wife.

He asked to be buried by Dr. Larry Jones, a family friend and founder of Feed the Children, who had come to see him every day in his agonies.

"What do you want me to tell them?" Jones had asked.

"Just tell them the truth, Larry," replied Glenn.

He did. At the funeral service, Dr. Jones gave a blistering oration.

"I don't want us to become a nation, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn said of the Soviet Union, where the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state. If I'm not mistaken, we're living in America, and this frustrates me, what is taking place. I am beginning to see Americans are living under fear of their government."

..For Kathy Wilburn it was a cruel two years. First her grandchildren, then her husband. But she is one of life's stoic souls, raised with the virtues of a different age.

"I will carry it forward," she told me, choking back the tears. "I was Glenn's voice when he couldn't speak any longer, and my mission now is to continue being his voice, for however long it takes, until we know the truth."
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton - pg.106-108

120 posted on 02/24/2002 9:03:57 PM PST by Uncle Bill
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To: Uncle Bill;OKCSubmariner; ratcat; Fred Mertz;ratcat;Noumenon;backhoe;Askel5;Black Jade;Mia T
To _Jim:
The wheather man said it was going to rain today but it didn't. That doesn't mean it's not going to rain tonight or tomorrow.

Concentration/Detention Camps UN Equipment Said In Place Around US CIVILIAN INTERNMENT CAMPS UP FOR REVIEW

Concentration Camp Locations in Southern California


"The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention
centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed
down and to be turned into prisons"
Heres the full article

Web site of Concentration Camps made for you! One of the U.S. Plans for NWO "New world Order"

There over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to
receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they
are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency
Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States.

The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be
implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is
the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly
takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the
executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The
Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the
legal framework for this operation.

The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention
facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a
population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of
Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold
approximately 2 million people.

A person named Terry Kings wrote an article on his discoveries of camps
located in southern California. His findings are as follows:
Over the last couple months several of us have investigated three soon-to-be prison
camps in the Southern California area. We had heard about these sites and wanted to see them for ourselves.

The first one we observed was in Palmdale, California. It is not operating as a prison at
the moment but is masquerading as part of a water facility. Now why would there be a
facility of this nature out in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no prisoners? The
fences that run for miles around this large facility all point inward, and there are large
mounds of dirt and dry moat surrounding the central area so the inside area is not
visible from the road. There are 3 large loading docks facing the entrance that can be
observed from the road. What are these massive docks going to be loading?

We observed white vans patrolling the area and one came out and greeted us with a
friendly wave and followed us until we had driven safely beyond the area. What would
have happened had we decided to enter the open gate or ask questions?

This facility is across the street from the Palmdale Water Department. The area around
the Water Department has fences pointing outward, to keep people out of this
dangerous area so as not to drown. Yet, across the street, the fences all point inward.
Why? To keep people in? What people? Who are going to be it’s occupants?

There are also signs posted every 50 feet stating: State of California Trespassing
Loitering Forbidden By Law Section 555 California Penal Code.

The sign at the entrance says: Pearblossom Operations and Maintenance Subcenter
Receiving Department, 34534 116th Street East. There is also a guard shack located at
the entrance.

We didn’t venture into this facility, but did circle around it to see if there was anything
else visible from the road. We saw miles of fences with the top points all directed
inward. There is a railroad track that runs next to the perimeter of this fenced area. The
loading docks are large enough to hold railroad cars.

I wonder what they are planning for this facility? They could easily fit 100,000 people in
this area. And who would the occupants be?

Another site is located in Brand Park in Glendale. There are newly constructed fences
(all outfitted with new wiring that point inward). The fences surround a dry reservoir.
There are also new buildings situated in the area. We questioned the idea that there were
four armed military personnel walking the park. Since when does a public park need armed guards?

A third site visited was in the San Fernando Valley, adjacent to the Water District.
Again, the area around the actual Water District had fences logically pointing out (to
keep people out of the dangerous area). And the rest of the adjacent area which went on
for several miles was ringed with fences and barbed wire facing inward (to keep what or
who in?) Also, interesting was the fact that the addition to the tops of the fences were
fairly new as to not even contain any sign of rust on them. Within the grounds was a
huge building that the guard said was a training range for policemen. There were newly
constructed roads, new gray military looking buildings, and a landing strip. For what?
Police cars were constantly patrolling the several mile perimeter of the area.

From the parking lot of the Odyssey Restaurant a better view could be taken of the area
that was hidden from site from the highway. There was an area that contained about
100 black boxes that looked like railroad cars. We had heard that loads of railroad cars
have been manufactured in Oregon outfitted with shackles. Would these be of that
nature? From our position it was hard to determine.

In searching the Internet, I have discovered that there are about 600 of these prison sites
around the country (and more literally popping up overnight do they work all night).
They are manned, but yet do not contain prisoners. Why do they need all these
non-operating prisons? What are they waiting for? We continuously hear that our
current prisons are overcrowded and they are releasing prisoners because of this
situation. But what about all these facilities? What are they really for? Why are there
armed guards yet no one to protect themselves against? And what is going to be the
kick-off point to put these facilities into operation?

What would bring about a situation that would call into effect the need for these new
prison facilities? A man-made or natural catastrophe? An earthquake, panic due to
Y2K, a massive poisoning, a panic of such dimensions to cause nationwide panic?

Once a major disaster occurs (whether it is a real event or manufactured event does not
matter) Martial Law is hurriedly put in place and we are all in the hands of the
government agencies (FEMA) who thus portray themselves as our protectors. Yet what
happens when we question those in authority and how they are taking away all of our
freedoms? Will we be the ones detained in these camp sites? And who are they going to
round up? Those with guns? Those who ask questions? Those that want to know what’s
really going on? Does that include any of us? The seekers of truth?

When first coming across this information I was in a state of total denial. How could
this be? I believed our country was free, and always felt a sense of comfort in knowing
that as long as we didn’t hurt others in observing our freedom we were left to ourselves.
Ideally we treated everyone with respect and honored their uniqueness and hoped that
others did likewise.

It took an intensive year of searching into the hidden politics to discover that we are as
free as we believe we are. If we are in denial, we don’t see the signs that are staring at us,
but keep our minds turned off and busy with all the mundane affairs of daily life.

We just don’t care enough to find out the real truth, and settle for the hand-fed stories
that come our way over the major media sources television, radio, newspaper, and
magazines. But it’s too late to turn back to the days of blindfolds and hiding our heads
in the sand because the reality is becoming very clear. The time is fast approaching
when we will be the ones asking "What happened to our freedom? To our free speech?
To our right to protect ourselves and our family? To think as an individual? To express
ourselves in whatever way we wish?"

Once we challenge that freedom we find out how free we really are. How many are
willing to take up that challenge? Very few indeed, otherwise we wouldn’t find ourselves
in the situation that we are in at the present time. We wouldn’t have let things progress
and get out of the hands of the public and into the hands of those that seek to keep us
under their control no matter what it takes, and that includes the use of force and
detainment for those that ask the wrong questions.

Will asking questions be outlawed next? Several instances have recently been reported
where those that were asking questions that came too near the untold truth (the cover
up) were removed from the press conferences and from the public’s ear. Also, those that
wanted to speak to the press were detained and either imprisoned, locked in a
psychiatric hospital, slaughtered (through make-believe suicides) or discredited.

Why are we all in denial over these possibilities? Didn’t we hear about prison camps in
Germany, and even in the United States during World War II? Japanese individuals
were rounded up and placed in determent camps during the duration of the War. Where
was their freedom?

You don’t think it could happen to you? Obviously those rounded up and killed didn’t
think it could happen to them either. How could decent people have witnessed such
atrocities and still said nothing? Are we going to do the same here as they cart off one
by one those individuals who are taking a stand for the rights of the citizens as they
expose the truth happening behind the scenes? Are we all going to sit there and wonder
what happened to this country of ours? Where did we go wrong? How could we let it
(the above site is down as of 08/19/01)

White House Briefing Room

February 24, 2000



Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release Federal Detention Center in
Honolulu Hawaii, next to Honolulu
Airport and Hickum Air Base.
Completed May 2001 with 670 beds.

Manzanar War Relocation Center - Owens Valley, California

Future Military Police to Control America!

There is another element to all this. The Airports being built. One particularly
in Denver, the Denver International Airport. Here there are murals of NAZI
stormtroopers on the walls. Writings from children in the holocaust, and
there is a Masonic Symbol of the Interlocked Compass and it says New World

Concentration Camps In America

The Coming American Holocaust

NWO Conspiracy

300+ concentration camps" (98/4/17)



The Final Solution for Patriots and Christians

World Government - Is Our Country Ready?

A must-read for every concerned world citizen

United Nations Children's Fund Seeks to Usurp Parental Rights

Executive Summary of U.S. Commission on National Security Report

Executive Orders And Laws relating to National
Emergencies Laws

Wake Up America

"Premonitions of an American Holocaust"



121 posted on 02/25/2002 6:42:02 AM PST by It'salmosttolate
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