"RightOnline, I just can't go as far as you do with it. I am fine if we just don't have to hear about it. I don't talk about my sex life. I just am not fine with their agenda which will eventually lead to adopting children. I will never bend on this issue. I am not for calling names or being mean. I have never been in favor of that. But I will not yield to saying "this is okay" or "go ahead and teach my kid it's okay" or, "go ahead and label and marginalize christians and christian groups like the boy scouts in your immoral quest.." It just ain't gonna happen. ".........and you never read in this thread or anywhere else on FR where I suggested otherwise.
I'm an AF Academy grad, former SAC aircraft commander in the Cold War days, evangelical Christian, dad of seven.........married to the same woman for just a hair under 24 years. I'm as Conservative as they come.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I know how to make allies to achieve a goal. My ally's sexuality doesn't matter when we're fighting for regaining our Constitutional rights. This isn't a discussion of the "homosexual agenda", education, sexual lifestyles, or anything of the sort.
It's about war.........a war for the reclamation of our Constitution. You want to fight with me? Let's go. Who or what you sleep with, what you eat, what tree you hug, what gun you shoot, what music you listen to, what you smoke.............................doesn't matter to me. Those are left to other venues, other battles.
RightOnline, mostly I agree with you. I am not in favor of the harshness I've seen others spew out on threads. However, I differ with you on one point. I have come to believe that ultimately, it is about the gay agenda. We cannot use these people for our own gain and then ignore their demands. I think it is kinder to let them know upfront. I will be their friend. I don't have a problem with that. I will fight with them for a common cause. I have no problem with that. But let them know up front that I will never ever support their agenda. Period. (We are not really that far apart, but I believe they need to know they have no chance right from the beginning. If they respect me by not pushing their lifestyle on me and mine, I will return the favor.)