To: RightOnline
RightOnline, mostly I agree with you. I am not in favor of the harshness I've seen others spew out on threads. However, I differ with you on one point. I have come to believe that ultimately, it is about the gay agenda. We cannot use these people for our own gain and then ignore their demands. I think it is kinder to let them know upfront. I will be their friend. I don't have a problem with that. I will fight with them for a common cause. I have no problem with that. But let them know up front that I will never ever support their agenda. Period. (We are not really that far apart, but I believe they need to know they have no chance right from the beginning. If they respect me by not pushing their lifestyle on me and mine, I will return the favor.)
To: RAT Patrol
You stated my sentiments exactly in terms better than I could have put together. It's about being up front and honest like you say. Thanks for expressing perfectly the feelings many of us have.
To: RAT Patrol
We cannot use these people for our owngain and then ignore their demands.It's a good thing you don't
run the RNC, because that's
exactly what 'we' do to
libertarians in the form
of the Liberty Caucus.
58 posted on
02/07/2002 7:25:53 PM PST by
To: RAT Patrol
Thank you RAT Patrol. True, the gay population does not desire to "live and let live". They want to push their lifestyle on others, probably to feel better about themselves. The clinch is that no person can honestly ever feel good and "clean" as a homosexual/lesbian. The conflicts they face should, with the help of loved ones and professionals, give them a resolve to come out of the bondage they are in.
75 posted on
02/07/2002 9:35:55 PM PST by
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