Isn't this very thing happening today? Open borders!! Aztlan!! Reconquista!! Amnesty!!
"Isn't this very thing happening today? Open borders!! Aztlan!! Reconquista!! Amnesty!!"
Exactly! That is exactly what is happening now. At the risk of sounding like one of the Tin Foil Hat crowd- we are being set up for a U.N. takeover! Global Government is a reality, but there is no conspiracy behind it. The United Nations is out in the open about what it wants to do! FACT:The U.N. is trying to push Gun Control on a Global scale. FACT: The U.N. is trying to establish a Global Tax Base with contributions from all countries worldwide. FACT: The U.N. is trying to set up it's own Army. If you don't believe me, then check their web page. As U.S. Citizens we must ask ourselves where is it all going? What are the motives behind these actions on the part of the United Nations?