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Eco-heretic beset by hate campaign
Sunday Times (UK) ^ | 1/13/02 | JONATHAN LEAKE, SCIENCE EDITOR

Posted on 01/12/2002 7:18:26 PM PST by jojo123

THE scientist who dared to challenge the establishment view on climate change has been subjected to a campaign of personal abuse, professional vilification and threats to his safety.

Last year Bjorn Lomborg claimed in his book The Skeptical Environmentalist that many of mankind’s worst fears — such as mass extinction of species, climate change and population growth — were largely unfounded.

The book has provoked scientists and environmental groups into producing articles, websites and pamphlets rubbishing its author and his work.

One of the most hostile, in Nature magazine, likens him to apologists for the Nazis. He has been physically attacked and has had to employ bodyguards.

This weekend Lomborg repeated his claims. “My book seems to have hit a raw nerve. For years we have been hearing how the world is deteriorating. I thought that too and then I looked for the evidence and it just isn’t there. In fact, the history of the world is that things are getting better,” he said.

Lomborg, a Danish statistician and former Greenpeace member, thought the book was a controversial but academic work that might do well to sell a few thousand copies. Instead it has become a bestseller on both sides of the Atlantic. His arguments range across almost every area of environmental concern. They include claims that there is no evidence for the wholesale loss of species and that the world’s forest cover is increasing.

His arguments on climate change, however, have sparked the greatest reaction. Lomborg, a professor at Aarhus University, accepts that the world is getting warmer but says it would cost so much to stop that it is simply not worthwhile.

“It would cost the world trillions of dollars a year, money which could be spent on helping the developing world to improve education and hospitals,” he said.

The book was published by Cambridge University Press. Last autumn it sent Lomborg on a promotional tour of Britain and America, little realising the reaction that was building up.

It began when Lomborg was heckled and booed at a book-signing at Borders bookshop in Oxford. As he was speaking, one of the crowd rushed forward and pushed a cream-laden baked Alaska pie into his face.

Last week the protester, Mark Lynas, an environmentalist campaigning to save the Arctic from the effects of climate change, admitted the attack and said: “Hitting him with a baked Alaska seemed appropriate. Global warming is destroying one of the Earth’s last wildernesses and Lomborg is trying to pretend it doesn’t matter.”

Even respectable scientific venues are not safe for Lomborg. When he recently gave a lecture at London’s Royal Institution he was protected by four bodyguards, and threats were made against him when he addressed the London School of Economics.

The biggest shock came when Nature, the usually restrained scientific journal, printed a review comparing Lomborg to maverick academics who deny the Holocaust. The reviewers said Lomborg’s text “employs the strategy of those who argue that gay men are not dying of Aids, that Jews weren’t singled out by the Nazis and so on”.

Last week Scientific American, a respected popular science journal, devoted 11 pages to an attack in which Lomborg is accused of “egregious distortions” and of being “ignorant” and “muddled”.

Lester Brown, founder of the Worldwatch Institute and the Earth Policy Institute, said: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”

Some of the most powerful vitriol is on websites. On there is a picture of Lomborg that was taken as he was hit with a pie.

Lomborg has also clashed with Tom Burke, the former aide to John Gummer when he was environment secretary, at a presentation in Paris to finance ministers at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Burke, who spoke against him and is the author of a pamphlet attacking his work, said: “He is a cunning manipulator and a good communicator. He has a weak case but presents it so well that everyone switches off their crap detectors.”

TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: enviralists; michaeldobbs
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The eco-fascists are trying to destroy Lomborg.

I will be cancelling my subscription to "Scientific" "American" because of their hit piece in this month's issue. Actually their socialist editorial policy has been p****ing me off for some time.

1 posted on 01/12/2002 7:18:27 PM PST by jojo123 (
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To: jojo123
Why do you have a subscription to "Sci-commie American" in the first place?
2 posted on 01/12/2002 7:21:39 PM PST by The Great Satan
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To: jojo123
Smart move.
3 posted on 01/12/2002 7:21:53 PM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: jojo123
Liberals are evil. There is no more doubt in my mind. They are physically harming this poor man and nobody seems to give a rats a$$. Could you imagine if conservative groups attacked some stupid eco-nut like Mr. Lomborg was attacked? Of course not.
4 posted on 01/12/2002 7:24:29 PM PST by oldvike
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To: The Great Satan
When I was a teenager 25 years ago it was a great magazine. I subscribed about a year ago, now I realize what a piece of crap it is. I hadn't realized it had changed so much since I hadn't looked at it much in those 25 years.
5 posted on 01/12/2002 7:26:56 PM PST by jojo123
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To: jojo123
True science. Step outside of mainstream thought and get bashed by every half-wit who is considered a scientific leader in the world. The universities perpetuate whatever the current mythology is, and they use hate and venom to maintain the status quo. Science does not breed free thinkers. They preach it but they don't practice it.
6 posted on 01/12/2002 7:27:07 PM PST by Rocky
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To: Rocky
get bashed by every half-wit who is considered a scientific leader

One of the authors of the SciAm hit piece mentioned he was a collaborator of Paul Ehrlich - one of the true charlatans of our time.

7 posted on 01/12/2002 7:31:35 PM PST by jojo123
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To: The Great Satan
Why do you have a subscription to "Sci-commie American" in the first place?

Scientific American used to be a respectable science magazine. It is sad to see it fall before the altar of Political Correctness Stalinism.

8 posted on 01/12/2002 7:32:03 PM PST by Jay W
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To: jojo123
"Repressive Tolerance” which means “intolerance against movements from the right, and toleration of movements from the left.”
When the left speaks of tolerance, this is what they mean.

This declaration, right from the horse’s mouth, the Marxist handbook, illustrates exactly what were up against:
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic…The association will, after enough repetition, become ‘fact’ in the public mind.”

9 posted on 01/12/2002 7:38:14 PM PST by concerned about politics
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To: jojo123
I will be cancelling my subscription to "Scientific" "American" because of their hit piece in this month's issue.

I cancelled mine years ago when they fired a writer because he was a Christian. I pick up a copy or so every year and am amazed at how much of the magazine is overt liberal propaganda.

10 posted on 01/12/2002 7:40:54 PM PST by DallasMike
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To: jojo123
I read Scientific American as a teenager 35 years ago. Last year I stayed with friends who had a subscription and was appalled by what it has become. It used to be a large broadsheet and is now about 8x11 inches, but the real shrinkage is intellectual. Global warming is upon us because of unrestrained greed, Africa is dying of AIDS because of the way Ronald Reagan used to act, guns are evil and dangerous contraptions wielded by Neanderthals ... eeeaggghhh. There must be a market niche available for a serious magazine popularizing developments in science.
11 posted on 01/12/2002 7:51:48 PM PST by TheMole
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To: TheMole
There must be a market niche available for a serious magazine popularizing developments in science.

There's a good book you can read. Try The Skeptical Environmentalist.
Why not make it #1 on the NYT best seller list?

12 posted on 01/12/2002 7:56:41 PM PST by concerned about politics
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To: jojo123
hmmmm...sounds like a book I need to buy. Part of what I teach is environmental science. Always good to have something else to challenge the "accepted wisdom".

Trashing the Planet by the late Dixy Lee Ray is another good one.

13 posted on 01/12/2002 7:57:59 PM PST by Amelia
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To: Amelia
I have some forty-year old Scientific Americans in my possession. The articles in the magazine are a challenge to read, despite the fact that I have a BA in Physics and a MS in engineering. The articles in the recent SciAm's can be breezed through in a few minutes. Jeez, I can even keep one eye shut ;-)

The magazine is simply not what it used to be.

14 posted on 01/12/2002 8:06:03 PM PST by bagman
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To: jojo123
"One of the authors of the SciAm hit piece mentioned he was a collaborator of Paul Ehrlich - one of the true charlatans of our time."

Paul Ehrlich's predicitons were completely wrong. And the environmentalists love him.

Bjorn Lomborg verified Julian Simon's proof that Ehrlich was wrong. And environmentalists hate Simon just as much as they hate Lomborg.

The reason that the environmentalists hate Lomborg and Simon is because Lomborg and Simon are telling the truth. Having people find out the truth is the biggest fear of the environmentalists.

I urge everyone here to read Lomborg's book, and to post a review of it at

The people who hate Lomborg the most are waging personal and physical attacks on him, because they can't come up with reasonable arguments against his ideas, and because they are a bunch of savages who hate real debate and free speech. The people who scream the loudest about being in favor of "diversity" are, in fact, the very same ones who try to silence any diversity of opinions.

Paul Ehrlich said that before the year 2000, 90% of U.S. citizens would have starved to death. Simon predicted obesity rates in the U.S. would get higher and higher. Clearly, Ehrlich was totally wrong, and Simon was totally right. But the environmentalists love Ehrlich, and they hate Simon. That just proves how irratioanl the environmentalists are, and how much they hate facts, evidence, and the truth. Their attack on Lomborg is happening because they are afraid of the truth.

The article also mentioned Lester Brown. He's been proven just as wrong as Paul Ehrlich.

Clearly, these so-called "scientific" journals are not interested in science.

15 posted on 01/12/2002 8:06:13 PM PST by grundle
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To: jojo123
One of the most hostile, in Nature magazine, likens him to apologists for the Nazis. He has been physically attacked and has had to employ bodyguards.

What would you have if you had the Department of Catechism for a religion that was almost totally unaware of its articles of faith but which persecuted dissenters with as much zeal as any medieval religious establishment? You'd have Nature. It's too bad there are so many scientists who are unable to see where science stops and their scientism begins.
16 posted on 01/12/2002 8:18:15 PM PST by aruanan
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To: aruanan
Indeed, we are in the midst of the Eco-Inquisition!
17 posted on 01/12/2002 8:32:46 PM PST by Justanumba
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To: jojo123
Global warming is an orthodoxy, every bit as entrenched as any other religious orthodoxy. And this is what happens when someone dares to go against orthodoxy. The same people threatening this guy's life are the ones who in other contexts will conjure up images of Galileo versus the Church. What they don't realize is that they are now playing the role of the inquisitor, not Galileo.

Sadly, this orthodoxy will be with us for a while. The way things work in bureaucratized academics is that you have to wait for one generation of entrenched intellectuals to die off/retire and be replaced with a younger crop, before orthodox "truths" accepted on faith can be truly re-examined by fresh, skeptical eyes. The tenured intelligentsia do not want to admit that they are fallible, and there is very little incentive for them to do so. In a way this is all good news though, because it means that there is hope as long as some future generation becomes sufficiently skeptical. It may take a while though.

18 posted on 01/12/2002 8:42:49 PM PST by Dr. Frank fan
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To: Rocky
Step outside of mainstream thought and get bashed by every half-wit who is considered a scientific leader in the world. The universities perpetuate whatever the current mythology is, and they use hate and venom to maintain the status quo. Science does not breed free thinkers. They preach it but they don't practice it.

It's interesting how the roles have changed but groupthink remains the same forever. Galileo was persecuted by the religious groupthink of the Inquisition for practicing science. Now the Environmental Inquisition, a Gaia religion posing as science, is again persecuting an independent thinker for practicing science. What the hell IS it with human beings?

19 posted on 01/12/2002 9:06:33 PM PST by Bernard Marx
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To: jojo123;Carry_Okie;Grampa Dave;Ernest_at_the_Beach;Iconoclast2;Editor-Surveyor;Phil V.;Angelique
This man is a hero! Not a goat!!!

Nature & Scientific American have become TABLOID PSEUDO-SCIENCE TRASH! Their former impecabile standards have become enough to gag a maggot in a manure pile!

One of our own, Carry_Okie has a book that is every bit as concise and true about the environment and how humans should interact with it as a part of it. (

That one guy, toward the end of the article, talking about "Crap Detector" has his inverted! What a crude, intolerant bastard!!!

20 posted on 01/12/2002 9:14:50 PM PST by SierraWasp
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