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Democrats Plan To Demonize Christians
Inside Politics (Washington Times) ^
| 1/2/02
| Greg Pierce
Posted on 01/01/2002 10:09:02 PM PST by Doctor Raoul
Edited on 07/12/2004 3:50:22 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Democrats, in the name of tolerance, plan to demonize conservative Christians as being like the Taliban, according to an article in Newsweek.
Democrats "are planning a daring assault on the most critical turf in politics: the cultural mainstream," political correspondent Howard Fineman writes.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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To: Doctor Raoul
Let's see....since 9/11 there is said to be a huge revival of religious faith in this country...more people going to church than ever...etc. etc.
And NOW, the Democrats decide it is good politics to demonize Christians....right.
I can't believe what a bad sense of timing they have. Hope this backfires on them big time.
posted on
01/02/2002 2:51:28 AM PST
Comment #102 Removed by Moderator
To: Doctor Raoul
posted on
01/02/2002 2:54:37 AM PST
Ron H.
To: yikes
Yours is the most interesting comment in this thread. Why, indeed, did Fineman write this and
Newsweek print it?
In my mind there are two alternatives:
1.) Fineman has been noticeably kinder to President Bush on the talk shows, Newsweek has to have seen its numbers rise whenever they feature the President, and perhaps it is just a warning.
2.) This isn't really the democrats' plan, but it gets all sorts of people in a dither, squabbling and pointing fingers, and weakens the Republican base without the dems having to do anything at all. You can see the squabbling beginning right here.
Personally, I choose Door Number 2.
To: Doctor Raoul
posted on
01/02/2002 2:59:23 AM PST
To: LarryLied
posted on
01/02/2002 3:03:43 AM PST
To: Doctor Raoul
To: Doctor Raoul
Is turnabout fair play?
Let's call them the "Taliban DemocRATs"
The libs are always trying to force feed us their views in the name of progress.
To: Theresa
NEWSFLASH! Bible believing Christians don't vote for man-made goverments in any case because they know that no matter which party is in power, they are all ruled by the "Elite" which group is ruled by Satan himself.
When we pray "Thy Kingdom Come," we mean it!
Prophetically speaking just about everybody plans to "Demonize Christians," even many of those who call themselves Christians but who do not know Jesus or YHWH at all.
We were long ago told that we would be turned over to the governments and authorities by our own so-called "brethren" and by "members of our own households." No surprises here. It's all in the Bible in black and white, - y'all should check it out! ;)
Love in Christ, - Jesse.
P.S. Theresa, I don't think it's Catholics that are being "bashed" per se but rather The RCChurch! I myself love many, many people who count themselves as Catholics, but I despise the heirarchy of the RCC, because it has been lying to the very people who come to it looking for truth for over 1,700 years! JMHO. YMMV.
To: RnMomof7
They started this a long time ago and its just now news?
posted on
01/02/2002 3:20:20 AM PST
To: Doctor Raoul
I wonder if they'll be tolerant of those who wish to remain intolerant?
posted on
01/02/2002 3:24:46 AM PST
Comment #112 Removed by Moderator
To: Theresa
Ah the Catholic bashers on FR. It's getting worse too. Why is it that Catholic bashing is allowed here? I can't open and read a thread without finding a comment against Catholics. I'm getting very sick of this. Im not Catholic and I disagree with some of the teachings, but as a Christian and a follower of Christs teachings, I view Catholics as my friends. I dont see why Protestants and Catholics bash one another and I dont think God would view favorably to it either. Sheesh.
To: Theresa
Ah the Catholic bashers on FR. It's getting worse too. Why is it that Catholic bashing is allowed here? I can't open and read a thread without finding a comment against Catholics. I'm getting very sick of this. The Catholic faith is not the only faith regularly bashed on FR. It seems there are some conservatives who aren't aware of who the enemy really is -- and it is NOT the Catholic Church nor any other denomination the basher happens not to be a member of. The Democrats are not the only practitioners of religious intolerance.
To: Doctor Raoul
"Yet we still hold our vision of a better world, one where government protects the right to live and speak freely, where armies build up rather than tear down, where corporations are kept in check and the needs of the weakest come first....
You just gotta find the RIGHT words in their text!
posted on
01/02/2002 3:45:17 AM PST
To: RnMomof7;ever_onward
I believe they did their shake down cruise right here on FR
Oh, we Christians can chew each other UP over bits of doctrine and practice and tradition and style and dress and politics. We have all SEEN it here at FR. Some is subtle, some blatant. Some is kind, some is cruel.
When those planes came crashing into our collective, seemingly invulnerable, protected Country, we Citizens pulled together into one Body that the clanging of our Door resounded around the World.
Just as SOON as the Spiritual hijackers start exploding into our cathedrals, churches, sanctuarys and prayer rooms; ANOTHER great coming together will occur that will make the first seem small.
posted on
01/02/2002 3:53:47 AM PST
To: Texas Eagle
demorats only know how to hate and divide people, but the stupid voters keep voting for them
posted on
01/02/2002 4:01:35 AM PST
Comment #118 Removed by Moderator
To: Elsie
The important stuff.........
God won't ask what kind of car you drove,
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
God won't ask the square footage of your house,
He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,
He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
God won't ask about your social status;
He will ask what kind of class you displayed.
God won't ask how many material possessions you had,
He'll ask if they dictated your life.
God won't ask what your highest salary was,
He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
God won't ask how much overtime you worked,
He'll ask if your overtime work was for yourself or for your family.
God won't ask how many promotions you received,
He'll ask how you promoted others.
God won't ask what your job title was,
He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
God won't ask what you did to help yourself,
He'll ask what you did to help others.
God won't ask how many friends you had,
He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
God won't ask what you did to protect your rights,
He'll ask what you did to protect the rights of others.
God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived,
He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
God won't ask about the color of your skin,
He'll ask about the content of your character.
God won't ask how many times your deeds matched your words,
He'll ask how many times they didn't.
posted on
01/02/2002 4:02:15 AM PST
To: HiTech RedNeck
Since we're talking about Democrats, isn't it true that the majority of Catholics vote Democrat rather than Republican? Only using the most loose definition of "Catholic":
In the 2000 election, Bush made large gains among Catholic voters. According to Voter News Service exit polls, Bush lost the Catholic vote to Al Gore by three percentage points, 50 to 47. By contrast, Bill Clinton's margin among Catholics was 16 percentage points in 1996 and nine points in 1992. Wagner said those gains were largely the result of Bush's success among the 42 percent of Catholics who regularly attend mass.
"Among religiously active Catholics, who have a discernible political identity in contrast to the nonreligiously active, Bush won by 55 percent to Gore's 24 percent," Wagner wrote, citing private polling by his firm, QEV Analytics, and Penn Schoen & Berland Associates Inc. "This was the best Catholic showing for a Republican presidential candidate since 1972, equal to Ronald Reagan's 1984 showing and better than his 1980 showing."
Wagner's findings are supported by broader trends: The more religious a voter is (based on church attendance), the more likely the voter is to be a Republican. At the two extremes, voters who attend services more than once a week voted for Bush by 63 percent to 36 percent, according to the Voter News Service, while those who never attend services voted for Gore, 61 percent to 32 percent.
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