Evolution also forgets to take into account THERMODYNAMICS. This applies even to such things as you and I. To paraphrase, "All complex systems degenerate into entropy." How convenient to forget that, eh? Evolution states just the opposite, "Entropy degenerates into complex systems." How convenient to misstate the 2nd Law, eh? :-) The REAL 2nd Law says something more like, to paraphrase, "all complex systems require outside energy input and/or an outside entropy sink to keep from degenerating." Or IOW, "all living things must eat." We get our outside energy from the Sun, via plants & other tasty animals that also eat them, & give off heat in the process, which is radiated out into space. Computers use 110 volts & likewise heat up in the process. The Thermodynamics Police are happy.
Please check out these links, from The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource (12th ed.):
ENTROPY and the Second Law of Thermodynamics!
The 2nd law of thermodynamics
The Second Law of Thermodynamics!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Context of the Christian Faith
Read what I said again. I said "Paraphrase." Got it? Or is reading too hard for you? Or is comprehension something beyond you? Fact is: Thermodynamics is at odds with evolution. Don't like it? Tough.