Posted on 12/29/2001 8:10:31 PM PST by tbeatty
Then posting an even dozen won't be a probem.
You may fire when ready Gridley.
absurd: 1: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous 2: having no rational or orderly relationship to man's life: MEANINGLESS
Hey, I agree with you.
Ann Coulter makes me proud to be a Conservative and proud to be a woman. Her agile and brilliant mind works just like mine only faster, farther, 3-dimensionallly and in full color.
Its all about the liberals. LOL
Think it was more. What was interesting the breakout by race/ethinc background. It was one of the few times that the Washington Post/NY Times would be justified in using one of their stock "Minoroities and Women Hit Worst" headlines.
1. "Many families have been devastated tonight. This just is not right. They did not deserve to die. If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him! Boston, New York, DC, and the planes' destination of California--these were places that voted AGAINST Bush!" --Michael Moore,, September 12
Or Sunera Thobani:
"There will be no emancipation for women anywhere on this planet until the Western domination of this planet is ended." --Sunera Thobani, professor at the University of British Columbia, speaking at a feminist conference in Ottawa, October 1
Or Ted Rall (whose incoherent drivel is STILL being featured at Yahoo!, meanwhile Coulter is fired):
"It may have seemed meaningless at the time, but now we know why 7,000 people sacrificed their lives: So that we'd all forget how Bush stole a presidential election." --Cartoonist Ted Rall, Philadelphia City Paper, September 27
Or Oliver Stone:
"Six men [the heads of Viacom, Fox News Corp., Disney, Vivendi, Sony, and Time Warner-AOL] are deciding what you're seeing in film, and they own all the small companies.... Now, within reason, they let [filmmakers] do certain things, and that is far better obviously than, say, the Arabs where they don't let you do anything, and I agree it's relative. But we are in a dilemma. We have too much order.... And I think the revolt on September 11 was about order. It was about f--- you, f--- your order... And is it time perhaps to reconsider the world order? Is it time to wonder why the banks have joined the movie companies and all the corporations, and where this is all going?" --Oliver Stone, quoted by Jeffrey Wells on, October 10
But some Americans paved the way for the downfall of Lon Nol and the rise to power of the Khymer Rouge:
"The growing hysteria of the administration's posture on Cambodia, seems to me to reflect a determined refusal to consider what the fall of the existing government in Phnom Penh would actually mean.... We should be able to see that the kind of government which would succeed Lon Nol's forces would most likely be a government ... run by some of the best-educated, most able intellectuals in Cambodia."---Senator George McGovern"The `loss' of Cambodia would ... be the salvation of the Cambodians . . . the rebels are unlikely to kill more innocent civilians than are being slaughtered by the rockets promiscuously hitting Phnom Penh."--Stanley Karnow
"The Cambodian people will finally be rescued from the horrors of a war that never really had any meaning (by the fall of Lon Nol)."--The New Republic
"The greatest gift our country can give to the Cambodian people is peace, not guns. And the best way to accomplish that goal is by ending military aid now."--Chris Dodd (D-CT)
"Mass explusions are the only way to start on their vision of a new society. . .The whole bloodbath debate is unreal. What future could possibly be more terrible than the reality of what is happening to Cambodia now? . . .Americans are guilty of cultural arrogance, an imperial assumption, that ... our way of life would be better"--Anthony Lewis ,The New York Times.
"It would be tendentious to forecast such abnormal behavior (mass executions) as national policy under a Communist government once the war is over."--Sydney Schanberg, The New York Times.
I got the impression Ann did not have the vaguest idea who supported who during this era.
You sure? It can also mean "of or relating to absurdism or the absurd". Which is what I meant.
You don't see people trying to get into these other countries, no they all want to come here. Come to America. If I heard it correct? Anyone remember that question she was asking Ann?
Yes, but what I'm looking for is a transcript of the Chumpsky show that was on before Ann to pick it apart. Do you if C-SPAN has them on their web site, or just for sale? For free I could have fun with it, but there is no way I would pay a dime for it.
I'm hitting the sack now, catch you tomorow.
Of course it's one way to deal with radical Islam. Show them a better way.
This liberal mindset that if something is difficult it should be abandoned puzzles me. I noticed it in some of the questions that Coulter fielded and I notice it in your post to me. Anything worth doing is going to take some effort.
Why don't you just admit that you didn't mean to use the word absurd?
Given the current climate over there it would be a suicide mission.
Smart and very fetching as well.
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