I checked your source, and, indeed, the Iniquiter used the title Do ya think he's sexy?.
Do you find it complimentary to associate a great leader with common barnyard behavior? Is it inspiring to connect a notable person's achievement and confidence with what passes for instinctive accomplishment at the lowest common denominator of both animals and people? If the answer is "no," then you've been tricked by media again into accepting their assessment as valid. Join the club. Develop keener senses to being set-up.
When a hero steps on stage, we know there are those who cannot stomach the idea of heroism. These types will heap false praise upon your hero's head. This is in order to set the stage to belittle them at a later date. In this instance, that belittling has started already by the nature of the praise. You should be angry, not pleased.
When a stranger (let alone a former enemy) suddenly praises you, it is normal for you to feel uncomfortable. So you smile; say thankyou; then nonchalantly check your back for the target they planted. I view this article both as springing from that level of sophomorics and as containing all the sincerity of Bill Clinton.
To admirers of Rumsfeld, this "gift" should be looked in the mouth and everywhere else you can think of. The pedigree of the sender should receive similar attention.
I can't speak for veronica, but I think it's great.
Rummy is tough as nails, doesn't take any crap, has no patience for fools (and reporters, if they aren't one and the same) and is a brilliant strategist.
He can park his shoes under my bed anytime.
Bill Clinton forced all men into the gutter as he made himself, with the media's help, the lowest common denominator. It is refreshing to see people recognize true virtue and honor it. It's just that we are working overtime to pull ourselves out of the gutter Clinton forced us all into, women included.