Unlike you, I actually AM a Libertarian, so I know what Libertarian Party supports and doesn't support. Libertarians support, more than any other Party, Small Government. The Party whose platform and opinions come closest to the Libertarian Party is probably the Constitution Party.
It's no coincidence that Ralph Nader was the most hated politician in an informal poll of Libertarian Party members. It's because Ralph Nader was probably the most authoritarian presidential candidate in 2000. Although there really isn't that much difference between the Green, Democratic, and Republican parties. After all, they're all parties of Big Government.
Okay, let's see ... dope, prostitution, gambling,open borders, and abortion, are ALL things that the LP nd the GREENS, and the DEMS agree about. The GOP disagrees with the afroementioned, on every point.
The Consitution Party, is even an SMALLER group, fringe of the fringe of the FRINGE, than the LP is. Combined, they don't even come lose to 1/2 of a percent.
The privatization of ALL roads and publicly held land, , espoused by the LP, is SO far off the edge, that it is abjured by everyone else.
The LP free market / isolationist , diametrically opposed positions, is insane, unworkable, and silly.
To continually claim that the DEMs and the GOPs are the same, or only minimally different, is the cry of the political naif; one who lives in fantasy. Libertarians, here, claim to waht what they want it, when they want it; which is immediately. WE did NOT get here , all in one fell swoop, and incrimentalism, is the ONLY way to extricate / reverse those Socialist / BIG GOVERNMENT things, which have s---l---o---w---l---y been imposed on this country, over the past 80 + years.
Don't lecture those of us who are actually politically aware, CONSERVATIVE, and have been working on turning the tide, for more decades, than you have been alive. When Libertarans finally admit that actions have consequences, and that most of the tme, those consequence are NOT the ones they imagie that they might be, I'll start taking them seriously. Until then, I and the majority of the rest of the nation, will know the for what they are.