It is obvious to me that you are not a disciple of the Word, but more a disciple of Hank Hanegraff and all the other modern pharisees. Believing the Word and using your faith to implement it into your life is not new age. Speaking to the mountain in your life is not new age. Your words when mixed with your God-given faith have the power to change circumstances. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. Doctrine that comes out of the "Calvary, Chuck Smith" camp are making well intentioned believers throw up their hands when problems come and question God's intentions. I have seen it all too often. Word of Faith is by no means perfect, but none of us are. It's just that some of us live by faith rather than reason.
Well I can't say I appreciate you attacking me personally, however that is your constitutional right. Mr. Hanegraff has an interesting show but I find myself parting with alot of is opionions. I know faith teachers say the man is going to hell and of course there is the false prophecies they said that God was going to strike him dead.
I all have to say is when someone in those churches doesn't get healed do not say "well you didn't have enough faith" while Price takes his wife to the hospital for cancer. I've been to two Hinn crusades where the people in wheel chairs leave devasted still in their chairs because "they don't have enough faith. That is what digusts me about Faith teachers.
I'll go on trusting Jesus for salvation and trusting his will for my life, while I'm sure the faith teachers will continue in Hinn's belief "Never, ever,ever go to the Lord and say 'If it be thy will' don't allow such faith destroying words to be spoken from your mouth." Have a Merry Christmas.