There is another rumor traced to Mossad sources that OBL escaped into Pakistan about December 10th and is attempting to make his way to China.
1 posted on
12/20/2001 11:46:10 AM PST by
To: ex-Texan
"Mossad sources" -- that isn't via Debka, is it?
2 posted on
12/20/2001 11:50:58 AM PST by
To: ex-Texan
Well my man Rummy has made it clear that while catching OBL is important, it isnt the only thing we need to do to end terrorism. This article makes sense to me. The name Bin Laden is fresh in all of our minds and if he escapes and then reappears in Somolia we will have good justification for bombing them. There is only one flaw in this plan. What if the next country comes right out forward and says that they are willing to help find, and turn in OBL, but they do not know where he is. Lie or not we would have no grounds for attacking them if they agreed to help us find him. Then he would be free and we would be $hit out of luck on catching him. We also would have to find another reason to bomb Somolia.
I say we secretly forget about OBL. He needs to come out of hiding sooner or later and when he does we will be watching close and nab him. In the meantime we can move on to bigger punks like saddam.
3 posted on
12/20/2001 12:09:39 PM PST by
To: ex-Texan
I'm very skeptical that we would allow OBL to escape. OBL's escape would enhance his mystique in the Arab world and would undermine the global perception of US military.
To: ex-Texan
Yeah, I've been promoting similar ideas on other forums. While I hesitate to say they let him go on purpose, it seems to me that a military that can herd the Taliban with such incredible efficiency would hardly forget to station guards on the back door into Pakistan.
Osama bin Laden is six foot five. Unless he joins the NBA, he's going to be noticed in a crowd.
To: ex-Texan
Osama may be the light that attracts the insects like moths to the flame.
7 posted on
12/20/2001 12:42:11 PM PST by
To: ex-Texan
OBL as a Judas Goat... I kinda like that idea.
13 posted on
12/20/2001 1:29:30 PM PST by
To: ex-Texan
now THIS is something I could EASILY BELIEVE folks!!! Now HERES an interesting THOUGHT..... IF OBL DID make it to the PRC could the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY THEN use this as a PRETEXT to start the BALKANIZATION OF CHINA????? Lets face it the PRC is just TOO BIG A NATION to be controlled by a single group...
Could they be trying to destabilze the part of China NEXT TO NORTH KOREA to such a point where it becomes INDEPENDENT???? we could then do a little SCORE SETTLING with that FREAK in PYONGYANG(SP????) and as for ME I wouldn't be at ALL in a tizzy if Mainland Chind split into 30-40 little countries!!!
To: ex-Texan
Hypothesis...if they caught Bin Laden alive, would he be given the opportunity to talk about the support he got from the CIA in his struggle against the Russians in Afghanistan? That could get weird.
19 posted on
12/20/2001 3:30:53 PM PST by
To: ex-Texan
"Did We Let Osama Bin Laden Escape on Purpose?"
Well it is possible, then we would have every legitimate reason to either demand that the country hosting him turn him over or suffer the same fate as the Taleban. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson