Take a close look and there is something downright suspicious about former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, now the darling of certain sectors of the radical left. His journey has taken him from the heights of federal power to outer orbits of the political fringe. In the process, he has seemingly transformed from a shill for the most corrupt elements of the US elites to a shill for any foreign despot who claims to oppose the US elites. Who is Ramsey Clark really working for?....
Continued HERE
Related far left critique:
What You Should Know about the Workers World Party and the International Action CenterThe International Action Center (IAC) is a prominent Left organization located in New York City which is known for organizing large Left protests. What most people don't know is that an authoritarian Left organization stands behind the IAC, an organization known as the Workers World Party. Both organizations have been criticized by Left activists for supporting dictators such as Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein. They have also been criticized for their authoritarian activist methods and for their cooperation with the police.
The IAC are like the "Borg" of the Left. They always want to be friends with you and they want you to sign onto their projects...
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If comments like that dont indicate that their agenda is not peace but anti-Americanism, frankly I dont know what does.