We pretty much agree on that, but the constitution gives the government the right to charge tariffs in order to raise the money needed to operate the federal government. I would favor a return to only the constitutional powers of the government which could easily be funded by a small, consistent (same for all parties) tariff which would enable us to eliminate the income tax. (which the founders specifically forbade)
Just my opinion.
TJ, You and a LOT of other folks like this idea and/or a national sales tax. But, the problem as I see it is that the tax on any given item IS "the same for all parties". This makes the tax burden on a $1.00 candy bar the same for me as for Perot and Gates. It also makes the tax burden on a $30,000 dollar car the same for me as Perot and Gates, making just the taxes alone prohibitive from me acquiring the car. Let alone the price of the car. IMHO, A true flat tax based on income with NO exemptions and/or deductions {except possibly the first ten thousand from ALL taxpayers equally} would be the fairest and most equitable form of taxation.
Along with getting rid of paying godgov rent on that which we already own in the form of property taxes, and all other taxes would allow for the equal opportunity of movement up and/or down the economic ladder based on competence and initiative alone {with a little luck either way}. Allowing for rich sluggards to become paupers and energetic poor folks to become rich with equal opportunity. Just my dream. Peace and love, George.