Today, your type is easily entertained by The X-Files and the rantings and selective interpretation of evidence by those with agendas like our little anit-Semite anti-American rivero all the while deeming the more rational around you as 'nuts' and out of touch.
Just remember, it's your loss to stay in the dark fighting all logic and fact continually leaning on hucksters like rivero for your truth ...
I guess this is the natural result of dumbed-down schools and a consumer mentality.
Complaint letter about Jim
Allow me the honor of giving you a brief lesson in Jim's many choleric attributes. With this letter, I hope to do something good for others. But first, I would like to make the following introductory remark: You don't have to say anything specifically about Jim for him to start attacking you. All you have to do is dare to imply that I should give direction to a universal human development of culture, ethics, and morality. His obiter dicta are not our only concern. To state the matter in a few words, either he has no real conception of the sweep of history, or he is merely intent on winning some debating pin by trying to pierce a hole in my logic with "facts" that are taken out of context. It may be obvious but should nonetheless be acknowledged that if we're to effectively carry out our responsibilities and make a future for ourselves, we will first have to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable in our society -- the sick, the old, the disabled, the unemployed, and our youth -- all of whose lives are made miserable by Jim. I must blow my whistle on his tactics of deception and distortion. And here, I believe, lies a clue to the intellectual vacuum so gapingly apparent in his recommendations.
Similarly, certain facts are clear. For instance, we can never return to the past. And if we are ever to move forward to the future, we have to avoid the extremes of a pessimistic naturalism and an optimistic humanism by combining the truths of both. I have to laugh when Jim says that he is the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread. Where in the world did he get that idea? Not only does that idea contain absolutely no substance whatsoever, but I am reminded of the quote, "A well-respected professor at a nearby university, writing with the dispassionate objectivity that is a precondition of all scientific knowledge, has recently concluded that all of his anecdotes are paralogistic." This comment is not as mendacious as it seems, because Jim and I disagree about our civic duties. I feel that we must do our utmost to tell him how wrong he is as expeditiously as possible. Jim, on the other hand, believes that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs -- or maybe even chocolate.
Every time Jim tells his expositors that there is an international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids, their eyes roll into the backs of their heads as they become mindless receptacles of unsubstantiated information, which they accept without question. At first blush, it appears that my earnest denunciation of his reinterpretations of historic events must have failed to register with Jim as being legitimate sentiment. However, I want to compile readers' remarks and suggestions and use them to tell Jim what we all think of him -- and boy, do I have some choice words I'd like to use. I want to do this not because I need to tack another line onto my résumé, but because I cannot promise not to be angry at Jim. I do promise, however, to try to keep my anger under control, to keep it from leading me -- as it leads Jim -- to make us less united, less moral, less sensitive, less engaged, and more perversely gruesome. Even his cringers are afraid that he will procure explosive devices, gasoline, and detonators for use in an upcoming campaign of terror as soon as our backs are turned. I have seen their fear manifested over and over again, and it is further evidence that Jim spews out so many falsehoods, distortions, and half-truths, that rebuttal requires some lengthy documentation. As long as I live, I will be shouting this truth from rooftops and doing everything I can to spread the word about Jim's insecure complaints to our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers -- even to strangers. Although the themes in his publications are limited, if I didn't sincerely believe that each of these issues is central to the hedonism debate, then I wouldn't be writing this letter. The question, therefore, must not be, "Why doesn't Jim point a critical finger at himself for a change?", but rather, "Where are the people who are willing to stand up and acknowledge that Jim thinks that he can make me kiss my freedom goodbye if he can smear people of impeccable character and reputation?". The latter question is the better one to ask, because if he wanted to, he could condition the public to accept violence as normal and desirable. He could get on my nerves. And he could wage an odd sort of warfare upon a largely unprepared and unrecognizing public. We must doubtlessly not allow Jim to do any of these. Stand with me, be honest with me, and help me give you some background information about Jim, and together we'll empower the oppressed to control their own lives. We'll supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into propagandism. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading this.