No. You still trying to play that ineffectual trump card. It won't work in the public square on this issue. I make certain a priori assumptions, but not on this matter really, and a decided majority don't either. Your argumentative strategy is simply doomed to failure. It will persuade none that are not already a part of the choir.
Is right and wrong decided by a "majority"? Does this mean that if a "majority" decided that the sky was down and the ground was up that it would be so? This nation was founded upon the notion that we have certain inalienable rights which were granted by our "creator", not by John Hancock, or Betsy Ross. Upon what basis would you convince me to free you if I had control over you?
One does not know the Lord of heaven and earth because one does not 'choose' to know him. He awaits the 'knock at the door'. True freedom(relationship, not religion) awaits one's final answer/choice.