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Congressional Democrats might want to put Ms. Harris on notice that they might take up the issue of whether or not a former state chief elections officer who abused her power in order to purge the rolls of legal voters and thereby rig a Presidential election is qualified to sit in the House.

The Democratic Underground is still so OBSESSED by the 2000 election that some folks over there want to keep Katherine Harris from getting a House seat even if she wins her Congressional election next year. Watch what happens. Right now this is a ridiculous idea proposed by a leftist wacko. Next year it might actually become the Mantra of the Democrats. But just remember where this idea started----In the Democratic Underground.

1 posted on 11/22/2001 3:20:50 AM PST by PJ-Comix (
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To: PJ-Comix
" All this was brought to a halt on December 12, when the United States Supreme Court, by a 5-4 decision supported by an intellectually dishonest opinion written per curium, stopped the recount process. Bush was certified the winner of the Florida election by 537 votes. The velvet coup was complete and successful. "

Such a "thorough" article, and they couldn't afford the space to mention that the United States Supreme Court first ruled 7-2 that the recount was unconstitutional because the varying chad standards among Florida districts didn't meet the Constitution's requirement for consistency.

2 posted on 11/22/2001 3:38:42 AM PST by elfman2
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To: PJ-Comix
Whenever I feel blue, I know I can always drop in at DU to be cheered by the sights and sounds of a few hundred pathetic losers eating their guts out. It warms me right to my tummy.
4 posted on 11/22/2001 3:47:39 AM PST by NYpeanut
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To: PJ-Comix
You realize, of course (as I have begun to), that we are NEVER going to hear the end of this. This is going to be a life long fetish for the Dims that voted in 2000. When Bush wins in 2004, it won't matter how big his victory- they'll be obsessing about how he had four years to get the American people "used to" him but that he should have never had that opportunity.

When his Vice President wins in 2008 they'll follow this same tack- "It should be Lieberman", and so forth and so on ad infinitum.

The way the obsessed collective over at Dem Underground and in some parts of the media keep digging up Gore's corpse again and again to worry his bones like a pack of dogs is the worst case of political necrophilia we'll all likely ever see.

Mark my words, in the 2060 elections voters will be rolling their eyes at the old geezers and bitties at the polls going on and on about a candidate that none of them ever heard of (Gore).
5 posted on 11/22/2001 3:48:58 AM PST by Prodigal Son
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To: PJ-Comix
The Republicans screamed foul and said it was unfair that Gore should be able to pick and choose what counties should be recounted. Secretary of State Katherine Harris, the chief elections officer for the state of Florida, imposed a strict November 14 deadline to the counties to complete the votes. She claimed the law gave her no choice, but the law in fact gave her discretion that she chose not to exercise.

Spin, spin, spin. As we all know, Katherine Harris did not abuse her discretion. As we also know, her discretion about cutoff dates was illegally taken away from her by the Florida Supreme Court, which, on its own motion, invented a new cutoff date, one which did not exists prior to the date of voting. The U.S. Supreme Court told the Florida Supremes, "we're putting a stay on this stuff, get back with us and let us know where the legislative branch of your state gave you this authority." Uh, no response.

All this was brought to a halt on December 12, when the United States Supreme Court, by a 5-4 decision supported by an intellectually dishonest opinion written per curium, stopped the recount process.

More spin. It was a 7-2 decision that what was going on in Florida was unconstitutional (how the left hates to use the 7-2 decision). As we all know, the 5-4 decision was against the methods being used to resolve the disputed vote re-re-recounts.

What a said state of affairs that the left continues to believe that what they have done is either ethically justified or constitutional is beyond my imagination. I am thankful that God's choice prevailed, with the fervent prayers of many. I wish Katherine Harris well. I have emailed my Congressman and U.S. Senators early this year demanding that the "popular vote" not determine any elections and that they not do away with the electoral college (as Hitlery has campaigned for; gee, I wonder why?)

7 posted on 11/22/2001 3:52:01 AM PST by nicmarlo
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To: PJ-Comix
"Some would say that this election has not yet been settled. "

And some are members of "The Flat Earth Society".

"Some" is going to have a hell of a time for the next 7 years!

8 posted on 11/22/2001 3:52:21 AM PST by G.Mason
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To: PJ-Comix
And yet they all think that Hillary won fair and square.
11 posted on 11/22/2001 3:57:45 AM PST by Fraulein
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To: PJ-Comix
This guy can't listen to reason - he's got a banana in his ear.
14 posted on 11/22/2001 4:01:23 AM PST by EllaMinnow
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To: PJ-Comix
The funnies thing about this article is that it bases it's claim for a Gore victory on votes from convicited felons who the writer claims would disproportionately vote Democratic. What a wonderful campaign comercial that would make: "If you're a convict, vote for Democrats". One wonders if these folks actually read or understand what they've written.
17 posted on 11/22/2001 4:09:52 AM PST by DugwayDuke
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To: PJ-Comix
Democratic Underground and their ilk are the best weapon that Republicans have! These useful idiots still hold influence in their party, and drive the more moderate Dems over to the Republicans for good. Keep up the good work, dumbasses!
18 posted on 11/22/2001 4:10:08 AM PST by Jhensy
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To: PJ-Comix
To the Democratic Underground (in my best imitation of Rush Limbaugh doing Bill Clinton):

Have a cigar!

19 posted on 11/22/2001 4:16:27 AM PST by Quilla
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To: PJ-Comix
Lets try to take all of the "talking points" on (I dont have the time or the energy to refute all of it, but here goes).

The US presidential election of 2000 came down to one state..

This is just tripe. Had Gore won his home state and the state of his presidental running mate. Floriduh wouldnt have mattered.

However, there is more wrong with the election of 2000 conducted in Florida than the NORC recount could reveal. NORC shows that Gore would have won a statewide recount by a only few dozen votes out of six million cast,

Problem is NO ONE asked for a statewide recount. Only after the fact did someone concoct this scenario. It also left out the fact that hundreds of military vote were indeed tossed out after democraps lobbied canvassing boards to do so. -Net gain 0.

Both parts of the drama show that the Republicans planned and executed a banana republic-style election theft with such agility that one would think that Florida has been a third-world dictatorship under their rule for decades.

Mayor Daleys brother and Warren Christopher's band of laywers swooped in on Fla. faster than the Bush team. Cook county style election fraud in Fla. was the order of the day. Once again no facts to back up the statement

With the final tally within the statistical margin of error, Gore asked for a recount.

Once again confusing fact and fantasy. State law (before the election)mandated a statewide recount if the difference is less that one percent.

Harris, the chief elections officer for the state of Florida, imposed a strict November 14 deadline to the counties to complete the votes. She claimed the law gave her no choice, but the law in fact gave her discretion that she chose not to exercise.

The law says what it says-discretion or not, she followed the law like it or not.

On November 27, the Washington Post reported some interesting facts about the mob ("Fla Recounts Prompts an Outpouring of GOP Activism", p. A9). Many were from out-of-state and told reporters that the Republican National Committee had paid for their travel, room and board. Furthermore, the Post identified two members of the Miami mob as Congressional staffers: Tom Pyle, an aide to House Republican whip Tom DeLay; and Doug Heye, a spokesman for California GOP Congressman Richard Pombo. Could it be that there was mob violence organized to interfere with and intimidate election officials doing their duty? This is America, not a banana republic.

This is just pure bull$hit. I vividly remember Jesse Jackson being down there and he from Illinios, Gerlad "the hut" Nadler a congressman from New York also opined that there was a "whiff of facism" in the air. Naw Gerald thats just food. I wonder who paid for these guys to come down a stir up trouble? Oops thats fact and fantasy again.

Palast tells how Ms. Harris and Florida's Republican Governor, Jeb Bush, brother of the candidate, sought to purge the rolls of potential Democrats voters. Although Florida is one of several states that prohibit convicted felons from voting.

Dag nabit!! There they are again following the law! How dare they?!

First of all, we see that the post-election Republican strategy was based on the Byzantine Constitutional process for electing the President. That can be remedied very easily. Write your Congressman and tell him or her that you want a Constitutional amendment submitted to the states calling for the direct election of the President and Vice President by popular vote. There will be no more electoral college, no state legislatures having any role in selecting the President and the House of Representatives is no longer part of the process, either. Just the people

Oh I get it-change the law because the results didnt go the way you wanted. Been there, done that. can you say un-constitutional? I knew you could.

22 posted on 11/22/2001 4:31:03 AM PST by Brasky
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To: PJ-Comix
Al Gore himself said the election is over and settled. End of story.
23 posted on 11/22/2001 4:31:57 AM PST by Number_Cruncher
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To: PJ-Comix

37 posted on 11/22/2001 6:29:47 AM PST by lowbridge
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To: PJ-Comix
Insert Nelson Muntz laugh here.
39 posted on 11/22/2001 6:52:10 AM PST by cardinal4
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To: PJ-Comix
What more would one expect from the followers of The Anti-American Al-Qaeda Party AKA Democrats. There is nothing Democratic about these people and they will never get over the fact that Al Gore was done in by his own Legal Team in Fla. I think the American People should sue Al Gore for dragging the nation throught 36 days of bs when he knew he lost the race all along.
43 posted on 11/22/2001 6:59:29 AM PST by Trueblackman
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To: PJ-Comix
I still find it interesting that they keep insisting that the law reads 'may' when the law that applies reads 'shall'. That, and they can't read law worth beans.
45 posted on 11/22/2001 7:06:01 AM PST by Darksheare
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To: PJ-Comix
Some would say that this election has not yet been settled.

Some would say the Earth is flat.

51 posted on 11/22/2001 7:21:07 AM PST by Gumlegs
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To: PJ-Comix
I just love it when the lefties work themselves up into a hand-wringing, teeth-gnashing lather. It puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
52 posted on 11/22/2001 7:48:25 AM PST by MistrX
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To: PJ-Comix
Meanwhile, the office of the registrar of voters in Miami-Dade County had some visitors on November 22 while counting disputed ballots. This was a group of clean-cut white men wearing white shirts and neckties demanding to be let in to the area where the votes were being counted.

May I interject, you lying weasel of a liberal? Why were these men demanding to be let in? BECAUSE the Democrats had locked the public (the public, the media, and esepcially the Republicans) out of the counting room! By law, the public is allowed to be both present at the counting and the Democrats, in yet another attempt at fraud, locked the public, including the news media, out of the room! When the "mob" heard about it, they were rightfully incensed. Wouldn't you be if the Republicans tried to pull the same stunt? Of course you would, but these are Democrats doing this dirty work, so naturally you give them a pass because you're a hypocrite. Oh, did I forget to mention that the canvassing board was dominated by Democrats? 1 Democrat and 2 so caled independents. No Republicans. And naturally, you purposely leave out this important little factoid because you're a lying hypocrite of a liberal (redundant)

"Viewers of Fox News' live coverage from Miami knew from the start that the mostly middle-age, well-attired demonstrators were chanting "Let us in. Let us in." The protesters were demanding the canvassing board open its count to the public, as required by state law. Section 102.166 (6) of Florida's election statutes specifically says, "Any manual recount shall be open to the public." The demonstrators therefore were well within their rights to demand access. "

One official was kicked and beaten in the elevator by the mob after he placed his sample ballot in his pocket.

Bare faced lie. There was no kicking and beating of him: (Despite videotaped evidence that proves no such acts of violence occurred, ..) He was surrounded and taken away by authorities. Guess who he was? See below.

"At one point, an individual identifying himself as a Democrat lawyer emerged from the room. Film crews caught him stuffing a ballot into his suit pocket and the Republicans out in the hallway cried foul.

"He was immediately surrounded by Sheriff's deputies and was eventually taken away," Morse said.

The "lawyer" was subsequently identified as Miami-Dade County Democratic Party Chairman Joe Geller. "

That this was part of the procedure

Lie: "Despite videotaped evidence that proves no such acts of violence occurred"

and that the official was called a thief and beaten showed that the mob either did not understand the procedures of the recount or did not care.

One: You lie. He was not beaten. Two: He was caught in the act. Three: The "mob" knew what they had witnessed was totallly illegal. Therefore, they understood the procedures very well and was able to recognize a Democrat attempt at voter fraud when they saw it. As a result, they CARED about this count in that they tried to stop him and his fraud.

Odd, that you "care" more about the "mob" actions than about the illegal behavior by the Democrats whose illegal actions was causing this mob to be enraged.

The registrar determined that the vote recount could not go forward under such conditions and canceled the recount. It is also known that a Republican member of Congress, John Sweeney of New York, was outside the registrar's office at the time and gave orders over a cellular phone to someone inside to "shut it down."

"Following a lunch break on November 23, and without notice of the intention to consider the issue, the Miami-Dade Canvassing Board announced it would cease all manual counts. The reason for the decision was that it was not possible to complete a full manual count of all ballots by the 5 p.m., Sunday, November 26, 2000 deadline for amending certifications. . . . "

Never mind the fact that the recount was tainted by the fraud being perpretrated by the Democrats.

On November 27, the Washington Post reported some interesting facts about the mob ("Fla Recounts Prompts an Outpouring of GOP Activism", p. A9). Many were from out-of-state and told reporters that the Republican National Committee had paid for their travel, room and board.

Bare faced lies.

Furthermore, the Post identified two members of the Miami mob as Congressional staffers: Tom Pyle, an aide to House Republican whip Tom DeLay; and Doug Heye, a spokesman for California GOP Congressman Richard Pombo. Could it be that there was mob violence organized to interfere with and intimidate election officials doing their duty? This is America, not a banana republic.

So who brought in Jesse Jackson? He didn't come in with us.

"Despite videotaped evidence that proves no such acts of violence occurred..."

On Wednesday, November 22, 2000, the Miami-Dade Canvassing Board stopped the full recount of votes and moved to a secluded room to count only the disputed votes. They did this even though they had two judicial rulings saying that this was illegal. They excluded the press and the observers from that room

53 posted on 11/22/2001 7:58:04 AM PST by lowbridge
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To: PJ-Comix
The most interesting point which everyone seems to gloss over is that Florida Law at the time of the election only allowed a single machine recount if the margin between the candidates was within 1%. After that you could only recount if you could show counting machine error. The quality of the counting machines was never in question and the margin of the vote in those counties was never within 1%. A recount was illegal by Florida law.
62 posted on 11/22/2001 10:17:17 AM PST by Western Patriot
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