ACtually, I'm beginning to realize just how many men hate women. They just don't get the press the women do. And I'm sick of the sob stories about child support.....blah, blah, blah. Some men may get taken to the cleaners, but last time I looked, most men who pay child support had totally unrealistic ideas about what child support was supposed to pay for. They wanted an itemized statement of expenses directly incurred for the child. Well, there's a heck of a lot of indirect expenses associated with food, gasoline, rent...etc. It's calling shelter.
A few men get taken to the cleaners, and you'd swear the majority of men are paying way too much child support. Yeah, right.
How can you argue with anyone who doesn't believe the government even has a responsiblity to see that parents support their children? This is the argument, after all, for too many of these libertarians.
Unfortunately it seems to be about the same ratio on both sides. Many men will complain about women having careers and being independent and yet they scream if someone mentions a return to the alimony system which did provide better for women who were dependent on a husband for financial support, in case the man hit a mid-life crisis and decided to be single and carefree again.
Don't even go there, girlfriend. A few men get taken to the cleaners? What planet are you on? Do you have any idea what the divorce statistics are in this country? Why do you think more women file for divorce than men; because of the raw deal they're likely to get from the courts? Not hardly.
None of that excuses being a deadbeat parent in my book and I speak as someone who spent 6 years happily paying for a deadbeat dad's kid (my former stepson). There is no excuse for not taking care of your parental responsibilities - none. But there are definitely serious problems with this country's divorce courts and most of those problems have to do with extreme prejudices against men. That is just plain simple FACT.